Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Analyze the aims, methods, and degree of success of the Catholic Reformation Essay

In the early 16th century the Protestant Reformation had happened and made the popularity of Catholicism to decline. In response to the Protestant Reformation the Catholic Reformation was issued to reestablish the power and popularity of Catholicism and the Roman Catholic church. The Catholic Reformation created new societies, while fixing problems of the Roman Catholic church. Through the Catholic Reformation The main reasons for the Catholic Reformation was a response to Protestantism and a response to reform the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church was riddled with corruption and scandals such as simony(sale of church offices), absenteeism(priests not showing up to services), and the sale of indulgences(paying the church to absolve sins). Many priests were illiterate and some abused their powers for absolution of sins To reform the structure of Catholic church Pope Paul III had established the Council of Trent which consisted of Catholic cardinals who were responsible for handling the reforms of the Catholic Church. The Council of Trent is considered to be one of the Catholic Church’s most important councils. The Council had 25 sessions from 1545-1563 that would address the issues of the Catholic church. The result of these 25 sessions were the validation of all 7 sacraments and the reaffirmation of Monasticism, celibacy of clergy Transubstantiation, and purgatory. Basically The Council of Trent fixed problems of Catholicism. Another result from the Catholic Reformation is the religious order of the Jesuits (Society of Jesus). Founded in 1540 by St. Ignatious Loyala the Jesuits had 3 goals reform the church through education, spread the Gospel to the Pagans, and to fight Protestantism . Jesuit schools were highly regarded as the finest schools for education in Europe. The Jesuits were organized in a military fashion following rules from Loyola’s guidebook Spiritual Exercises. The book would inform Jesuits how to have less attachment of physical items and informed Jesuits on how â€Å"to master the soul to manipulate the body†.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail Argument

Letter from Birmingham jail argument essay In Martin Luther King Jr. ‘s essay â€Å"Letter From Birmingham Jail† he makes the claim that; â€Å"It is a historical fact that privileged groups seldom give up their privileges voluntarily. Individuals may see the moral light and voluntarily give who their unjust posture, but†¦groups tend to be more immoral than individuals,† (paragraph 12). This means that those who come from privileged groups tend not to give up their privileges. Which is completely true, hence is why I qualify with his statement.King lived in the 1960s and was a anti-segregationist activists. Also he was a member of the clergy and a very influential member in our American history. In the 60s blacks and whites were separated in everything they did, from schooling all the way down to restrooms and water fountains. It was a unfair and unjust time period for the oppressed blacks. Which is why King was in jail to begin with, and also why he wrote hi s letter in response to the clergyman. King's statement about how the privileged are not quick to give up their privileges is evident throughout our history.When the slaves in America were enslaved the white slaveholders who were clearly privileged were not quick to give up their ownership over theses people, in fact they even went to war over this issue. The Germans, in Nazi Germany were not quick to revolt against the Nazi's because their power allowed them even greater privileges. In fact, I would argue that those who are a part of a privileged group will even advocate towards immoral actions to greater their privileges. Personally speaking as a competitive dancer I have seen an example of this first hand. The more money you put into the sport it is evident that you get out more.And the dancers' parents who put in more money expect more, even if their child is completely un-talented. These dancers whom are clearly privileged when asked if they will trade a front line in a dance f or the back because little Susie never gets to be in the front will simple scoff at even the idea. People who are privileged do not even know what it is like to work hard to earn your blessings, and that is what us wrong with our world today. King's argument about those who are privileged is evident throughout world history and continues onto modern day. Those who are given more will not hand over what has been granted to them.

Health Care Spending Paper Essay

Health care costs for individuals in the United States have increased and will continue to increase. The number of people needing care and insurance is one of the major factors in health care spending. Another factor is the amount needed to be spent on new equipment and technology which will always continue to change. The U.S. health care spending accounts for 16% of the gross domestic product (GDP), which is the highest compared to other countries. Although the American populations have benefited from the investments made in health care, it still puts strains on the systems used to finance health care, such as private and public insurance programs. Many people are still without insurance and those who do have insurance have seen their out-of-pocket expenses grow from their deductibles and copayments (Kaiser Family Foundation, n.d.). Health Expenditures The national health expenditures currently have reached $2.1 trillion. According to Forman (2008), â€Å"This translated into $7,026 per person and 16% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP)† (para. 3). Both of these records are the highest among the nations. The hospital spending accounts for 31% of the national health care expenditure, which continues to grow. Due to a 0.2% Medicare fee schedule update for physicians in 2006, the physician expenditure is at an generally low rate at 5.9%. Prescription drug spending has increased to 19% due to the implementation of Medicare Part D. Administrative cost have also grown over the years and is currently at 8.8% in the health care spending expenditure. The growth of this is due to the amount of Medicare beneficiaries who have enrolled in the Medicare Advantage plans. Medicaid spending has for the first time ever, decreased in the amount spent on health care, partly due to Medicare Part D (Forman, 2008). Spending too much? The level of health care spending is too high and continues to grow. It will continue to grow and exceed the overall GDP, which does not leave open opportunities for spending in other areas. Health care spending has not been manageable for some time now, resulting in a higher number of people uninsured and a greater number of consumers and employers struggling to afford insurance. The increased use of the Medicare Advantage plan has increased the importance of managed care and also puts the remaining fee-for-service system at risk (Forman, 2008). Health care in the U.S. is also much higher priced for the services than other countries. According to Kelley (2010), the public’s lack of market power – the ability to drive price based on supply and demand, as with most other products and service – is the cause of high prices in physician services, hospital services, and prescription drugs (p. 21). To Add or Cut Spending According to Kelley (2009), â€Å"Estimates suggest that as much as $700 billion a year in healthcare costs do not improve health outcomes. They occur because we pay more for care rather than better care† (p. 2). We are often provided with service that do us no good or services that we really do not need. Too much is spent on unnecessary hospitalizations, unneeded tests, over-priced drugs, and more expensive equipment that works just as well as the last and cheaper equipment (Kelley, 2009, p. 2). Compared to other countries, the U.S. health care costs are too high; more is spent per capita and the GDP percentage is the highest. Health care costs also can be reduced by eliminating the amount of medical errors, fraud and abuse, and payments for services with no evidence that they contribute better health outcomes (Kelley, 2009, p. 4). According to Kelley (2009), â€Å"The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) estimates that fraudulent billings to public and private healthcare programs are 3-10 percent of total health spending, or $75-$250 billion in fiscal year 2009† (p. 17). Kelley (2009), states that a substantial amount of care provided adds no or little value to the diagnosis of a patient’s condition or effective treatment of a diagnosed condition (p. 12). This means that the use of diagnostic test, high-price procedures, and irrelevant use of antibiotics can be decreased. The result of this could save millions of dollars in health care expenses for hospitals, patients, and insurance companies. Health care costs also can be cut by administrative costs. According to (2011), â€Å"At least 7% of health care expenditures are estimated to go toward for the administrative costs of government health care programs and the net cost of private insurance.† Health Care Finance The public’s health care needs are paid for by public and private health insurance companies, which in the year of 2010 cost about $2.6 trillion. This is ten times over the $256 billion spent in health care expenditures in 1980 (Kaiser Family Foundation, n.d.). Health care needs for citizens age 65 and older are covered through Medicare with no direct out-of-pocket expenses. Not all drug costs and medical services are covered under Medicare; some require additional coverage from private insurers (Torrey, 2010, para. 1). Private health insurance is available to employees through their employer. Americans under the age of 65 who cannot afford health insurance have a chance to be covered under state-run programs, such as SCHIP for children. There are millions of people still uninsured and many who are underinsured (Torrey, 2010, para. 2). According to Torrey (2010), â€Å"With the passage of the healthcare reform in March 2010, the number of uninsured Americans is changing so that by 2014, 32 million more Americans will have coverage† (para. 6). Economic Health Care Needs The future economic health care needs are expanding health care coverage and addressing the rising costs. The percentage of Americans with health insurance declined in 2009 (American College of Physicians, 2011). According to the American College of Physicians (2011), â€Å"The number of uninsured persons reached an all-time high, with almost 51 million people having no health insurance coverage and 59 million being without health insurance at least part of the year† (p. 2). Many people have also signed up for Medicaid and many more need to sign up with the time of the Baby Boomers. If the health care system does not come up with a solution to the finances of health care and health insurance it will not be provided. If the costs of health insurance are also not taken into account, many will lose their insurance because they can no longer afford it. I believe the needs of the health care system will be met through government financing and other programs, which may result in higher taxes. In 2014 the Affordable Care Act (ACA) will become available to nearly all Americans and will address the challenges of rising costs, inadequate capacity, and coverage. According to the American College of Physicians (2011), â€Å"ACA will address the shortage of primary care physicians by reforming payment systems and by the funding of primary care training programs† (p. 1). The health care system needs to realize how their money is being spent and wasted. The costs of medical supplies and some prescription drugs are outrageous. Starting with little changes, such as the price of aspirin in a hospital can result in lower health care costs. The important need of Americans and providing affordable health insurance is a major issue. This results in the high health expenditures that are seen today. Americans should not have to worry about whether or not they will be able to afford health care in the next few years, let alone have insurance. Americans without insurance will need to have access to some type of care or insurance. Health insurance companies and employers need to come up with a solution or find ways to help out the people of the U.S. If health care prices do not decrease soon, they may never decrease. References American College of Physicians. (2011). Health Care Coverage, Capacity and Cost: What Does the Future Hold?. Retrieved from Forman, H.P. (2008). National Health Care Expenditure Update: A New Threat or an Opportunity?. Retrieved from (2011). US Health Care Costs. Retrieved from Kelley, R. (2009). Where Can $700 Billion in Waste be Cut Annually from the U.S. Healthcare System?. Retrieved from Torrey, T. (2010). Healthcare Reform – How Should Healthcare be Paid For?. Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Explanatory synthesis(read the prompt) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Explanatory synthesis(read the prompt) - Essay Example The recently proposed or established acts like the Homeland Security Act, the USA Patriot Act, and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act etc have initiated hot debate. Many people consider that national security should be placed above privacy of individuals, ignoring the fact that after that America is slowly being converted into a police state. However, civil privacy and personal rights are much more important and the Government must focus on enhancing security without compromising with the privacy of the common man. The fear of being attacked again, the continuous security breaching threats have put America under immense pressure and made it more vigilant, such that the Government is pulling all stops to convert the country into a total surveillance state. Most state authorities now employ cameras to keep a track of things and snoop on its citizens. I believe that this is in fact not fair at all, because such surveillance cannot only be abused but also can give false results. C hristian Parenti in the article DC Virtual Panopticon, discusses on the issue and reveals how the â€Å"police in Detroit and DC have used CCTV to stalk personal foes, political opponents and young women† which in itself is a threat to the security of citizens. Another much publicized electronic surveillance instrument- the facial recognition system is not close to what had been promised. In â€Å"trading liberty for Illusion†, Wendy Kaminer informs us that the facial recognition system used â€Å"never identified a single individual contained in the department’s database of photographs.† Some may have the opinion that electronic surveillance are an efficient method to keep track of potential threats but time and again the system has failed and the surveillance cameras have been used not for the purpose of security at all. Another crucial point about such electronic surveillance is that the chances of the camera operators keeping eye on minority civilians only rather than focusing on everyone with equal vigilance is increased. Wendy Kaminer said that it is a true fact that the security officers are bound to   Ã¢â‚¬Å"focus disproportionately on racial minorities or while away the hours peering up women's skirts†. Therefore, it is clear that even though electronic surveillance have been supposedly adopted and installed as a national security measure and keep the citizens from any harm. Yet, the ways in which the system is being abused by the security officers themselves establishes the fact that such technological measures that have been adopted are in no way enhancing security but are successfully destroying the freedom of the civilians. A similar breach of civilian privacy is the tapping of phone lines. The USA patriot Act brought in the use of wiretap warrants that allowed the USA police to engage in wiretap surveillance against anyone who was under suspicion. Therefore the Government could easily intercept the electronic c ommunication of just about anyone they liked. Though the electronic Communications Privacy Act was brought into force to safeguard the citizens from such interceptions, the ACT did have loopholes. However, many people like Joshua Quittner, believe that a little loss of privacy is not a high price for security and that most people are too paranoid about their privacy. In the article â€Å"Invasion of Privacy†, Joshua Quittner wrote that at first he couldn’t â€Å"get worked up about privacy: my right to it; how it's dying; how we're headed for an even more wired, under

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Theory of Static Trade-off Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Theory of Static Trade-off - Case Study Example This theory of static trade-off presumes that subsequent to expense, debt benefits may be received. Benefits of utilizing debt includes that a challenge of free cashflow gets minimized and as well payments of interest may be deducted from taxation. As a result, a taxation gain from debts may be received. Furthermore, the bigger the rate of taxation, the greater will be the motivation to borrow. Such theory of static trade-off has for a long period subjugated the thinking concerning the capital structure; conversely it contains a few drawbacks. Maybe the major disadvantage involves that numerous huge, financially complex as well as highly productive companies make small utilization of debts within their funding. That’s contrary to the theory of static-trade-off that presumes that those companies employ comparatively mainly debt. The idea underlying the theory of static trade-off involves that those companies experience small threat of becoming insolvent and hue high tax benefit s exist from the taxation shield that is expected.The likely existence of this theory of static trade-off within the decisions of capital structure in Diageo firms will further be explained by employing frequently employed company specific factors. The logic underlying a negative association connecting the debt-free taxation shield as well as the ratio of debt and capital involves taxation reductions on such as depreciation as well as taxation credits get presumed as alternatives in favor of tax gains expected from debt funding.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Contrast Between Edward Cole and Carter Chambers in The Bucket List Essay

Contrast Between Edward Cole and Carter Chambers in The Bucket List - Essay Example Edward Cole was a billionaire, a wealthy man who made a business out of nothing. He owned the ‎hospital that he and Mr. Chambers were receiving treatments in. Mr. Cole made his fortune in the health ‎industry as shown in the movie, that he earlier was presenting his case on making patients share one room, ‎and also the expenditure that he bourn for the traveling. A self-centered man, who did not like sharing ‎his hospital room with Carter, and also, when Thomas served his lavish dinner, he made no sharing offer ‎to his room-mate. Also, when Carter felt the chills at night, he ignored and kept on sleeping. While on the other hand, Mr. Chambers was an ordinary mechanic who spent his life under the ‎cars, fixing them. Yet, Mr. Chambers was blessed with extraordinary love and knowledge of history. Like shown in the movie, Mr. Chambers knew the answers to every question which the fellow mechanic ‎asked from a book, and also, at different points in the movie, when he knew the answers to all the berries ‎shown on the hospital TV. While Edward was ignorant, Carter did opposite to what Edward did. When ‎Edward felt chilly, he called over the nurse to drug Edward for a peaceful sleep.‎ Edward Cole was a materialist man. He earlier was shown arguing over the fact that there is no ‎harm in making the patients share a room together as he said: â€Å"he was running healthcare and not a ‎health spa†. It was his theory that â€Å"one room two beds† allowed better accommodation. And also on ‎the list, he had all materialistic items such as having a tattoo and sky-diving. Mr. Cole was also not a firm ‎believer of God, whom he called â€Å"biggie† on his first flight with Carter.‎

Friday, July 26, 2019

Mathematical Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Mathematical Concepts - Essay Example This paper seeks to discuss mathematical concepts of a course. The paper will offer a summary of the concepts learnt in the course, relevance of the concepts to the characteristics of a mathematics teacher as well as analysis of the influence of the learnt concepts on my personal ideas and philosophy of teaching. Summary of the major mathematical concepts One of the mathematical concepts discussed in the course is problem solving. This concept is described as an approach towards finding a solution to a problem. The concept of problem solving involves a number of steps that starts from understanding the problem at hand, developing a strategy, exploring any applicable pattern and finally using logic to ascertain the nature of the solution. Strategy to problem solving, according to Billstein, Libeskind and Lott, involves a series of steps that include â€Å"understanding the problem, devising a plan, carrying out the plan, and looking back† over the solution (Billstein, Libeskind and Lott, 2010, p. 4). In order to understand a problem, it is necessary to be able to acculturate and paraphrase the problem before identifying the next course of action. The necessary information in the problem that can be used in its solution is then extracted and the unknown that is to be solved identified (Billstein, Libeskind and Lott, 2010) ... As an approach to describing numbers through notations, numeration systems include Hindu Arabic system and Tally system among others. The concept of sets on the other hand involves definition of sets and set operations such as unions and intersections. The course also covers concepts of operation of whole numbers that includes addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with stepwise procedures for carrying out the operations. The course also described the concept of algebra that covers variables, equations, and functions. Variables refer symbols that can take more than one values. In numerical concepts, a variable can represent more that one number or quantities and is represented using a letter. Algebraic equations are on the other hand used to represent values, either algebraic or a combination of both algebraic and numerical, which are assumed to have similar magnitudes. Equations can then be used to solve for exact values of unknowns in given problems. Relationship betwe en variables is further explored through functions (Billstein, Libeskind and Lott, 2010). Like operations of whole numbers, the course covers basic rules in operation of decimal numbers and fractions. It explores algorithms of basic operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, with respect to decimals and fractions. The final set of mathematical concepts, as covered by the course includes proportions, ratios, and percentages. The basis of ratios, percentages, and proportions as expression of relationship between variables, and understanding of their concepts is important in solving real life problems such as interest and interest rates among other practical relationships (Billstein, Libeskind and Lott, 2010) Relevance of the learnt

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Compare and contrast the consequences of World Wars 1 and 2 for the Essay

Compare and contrast the consequences of World Wars 1 and 2 for the United States and its citizens - Essay Example The overall losses incurred by US as a result of its involvement in war were however, small as compared to the massive destruction faced by Europe. One of the most important consequences of the World War 1 was the increase in military posture of America in the world. Over the period of the war, US established itself as one of the suppliers of military equipment to the allies and established itself as one of the emerging manufacturing economy of the world. War also resulted into massive transfer of wealth from Europe to America as US not only provided equipment and military support but also offered loans. As a result of this, American economy got a boost as transfer of wealth has resulted into increased revenue for the government and also created jobs. At the social level, for Americans, war however, brought significant racial differences and social divisions. German Americans were harassed as well as racial tension gripped specially the migration of Southern Blacks. On home front, World War 1 therefore was something which further highlighted the differences between Americans within American society. Overall economic progressed was witnessed by the Americans as farmers put in more and more acreage to the use of the crops which were being readily sold. Gross farm income increased and as a result of this, the overall prosperity increased for ordinary Americans despite the fact that War has also brought losses in terms of shifting most of the government resources to the war. Though Second World War was fought far from the American borders but it believed to have created more lasting impacts on the American society as compared to the impact First World War had. In terms of the overall impact, second Great War had more serious and far reaching consequences for US. It is important to note that US was largely unprepared for Second World War and was forced to enter into the war when it was attacked by Japan. In first

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Moral Principle Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Moral Principle - Essay Example Morality of actions define whether an action is considered as morally correct or not therefore it is important that some practical examples of actions which can be considered as good or not are presented. In this section, I will enumerate three examples each of actions which can be considered as morally right or wrong. Above examples indicate that the morality of each of the actions described above are based on their relative connection with the individual perception of good and bad. Individuals may perceive and internalize the truth according to their own mental perception of how they view and process the facts from moral perspectives. The underlying moral principle which I believe can succinctly define above actions is the relativistism of these actions with good or bad. Actions can be considered as good or bad based on the way they are related with acceptable ways of doing things. I, therefore, believe that my underlying moral principle based on the above actions is related with relativistim of actions with acceptable norms and values. For example, war in its strictest sense may be morally wrong, however, considering the circumstances around 9/11 event and loss of innocent lives, it may be a morally justified war because it is based on a contextual point of reference. The moral principle described above therefore is a direct derivative of the examples mentioned above. The basic underlying principles of Utilitarianism advocate on the utility of the actions regardless of their consequences, therefore, any action under utilitarianism is considered as morally right, which can create greatest good for the greatest number of people. This is regardless of the fact the consequences of the action may not be entirely favorable or good, and it was because of this reason that utilitarianism endorses actions, which have significantly different consequences for minority. My principle is similar to the utilitarianism in the sense that both

Equality Act 2010 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Equality Act 2010 - Essay Example In essence, therefore, the Act stipulates that an employer should not do things that would pose terse consequences on an employee, a job applicant, or previous employee or other persons who have protected characteristics than on individuals who do not possess that characteristic. On the other hand, the employer can demonstrate that the act or treatment is objectively necessary in which case the same qualifies as indirect discrimination as per the Act. In this case, an employer need not treat an employee, a disabled applicant, or a former employee unfavorably due to something associated with their disability where such treatment cannot be objectively justified. This treatment includes making decisions, the application of rules or the manner of doing things. Nevertheless, this only applies in circumstances where the employer knew or ought to have reasonably known that the individual is a disabled person and thereto referred as discrimination arising from disability. Additionally an emp loyer should not treat an applicant, an employee, or a former employee worse because of association with an individual with characteristics considered protected. ... These provisions on perception, association, and victimization apply to anyone, irrespective of whether they possess protected characteristics. The act forbids an employer from harassing an applicant, an employee, or a former employee. In addition, and in ensuring that a disabled individual has equal access, in as far as, it is realistic, to anything that involves doing work as a non-disabled individual; an employer should make reasonable modifications (Barry 2010). In a situation where an employer evaluates a disabled individual’s application for fitness for work, the employer must take into account any reasonable changes necessary to facilitate the job. If, after making reasonable adjustments, the disabled individual is not the best applicant for the work; an employer should not employ the individual work. However, where such an individual would be the best applicant with reasonable changes in place, then an employer must employ the individual. The consideration for reasonab le changes also applies where an employee becomes disabled while employed or where their needs change or even, where they change to another role. Exceptions for discrimination Occasionally there are instances where the law on equality applies in a different way and this implies exceptions to these rules, these exceptions relate to all employers or those, which only apply to particular employers. Additionally the law on equality permits an employer to accord better treatment of disabled people than to non-disabled individuals and to use positive action. Age The Act provides that age is unlike other protected features and where an employer can demonstrate the treatment to be objectively justified,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

HRM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

HRM - Essay Example Therefore, HR team needs to focus attention when a job needs to be redesigned. Training and development are the key issues in HR activities. HR team of R. R. Donnelley used training and development method to enhance the productivity. This HR activity also motivates and inspires the employees of Donnelley to work more and generate more production. Quality control and quality checking are also important for a production firm like Donnelley. Six-Sigma and other quality control process has been largely used in their training method. HR team also introduces new technologies in making printing plates and films. It changes the job description of the employees of Donnelley. Training and development from HR team train their employees to adopt new technology. As a result, productivity has increased by 20 percent in last three years. This increment in production also stops to build a new production unit. Therefore, this HR activity is cost effective for Donnelley and increases the efficiency an d effectiveness of the employees. (Mathis and Jackson, 160-164; R.R Donnelley, Delivering Value across the Supply Chain, p.1) Technology involves almost every part of our lives. However, to the extent that our individual lives have been transformed, the business world has developed almost beyond appreciation in the past few decades. Caterpillar is the renowned infrastructure company in the world. Caterpillar is the biggest constructer of construction and mining equipment. In Caterpillar, adoption of new technology is very common. In Caterpillar, we resolve the difficult environmental problem by new technology. Caterpillar has a good record as a technology direction. Caterpillar always used new and advanced technologies to meet their customer’s needs. As an infrastructure company Caterpillar has to use different technologies regarding environmental problems. They adopt many

Monday, July 22, 2019

Critical Thinking Scenario Essay Example for Free

Critical Thinking Scenario Essay Critical thinking is a learned thinking process. Like riding a bicycle, it takes time and effort to learn but once one gets it down, critical thinking can become as natural as breathing. When one applies critical thinking to ethics, the use of these three questions will help in almost any scenario. What are the moral responsibilities that are tied to the issue? Are there conflicts in one’s own moral ideas or obligations with this issue? What is the best outcome that one can achieve to reach one’s goal while keeping with one’s own moral code? In the Internet video, â€Å"To drill or Not to Drill†, Nightline (2004) states that there may be an ethical and environmental issue with drilling in the Midwest but lets the viewer answer the open ended question, should we drill or not drill. With the help of Nightline’s video, we shall put these questions to a test. Moral Responsibility and Moral Failings The first question is what are the moral responsibilities of the participants in this issue? The land to be drill is government land and the â€Å"Bureau of Land Management is responsible for balancing the uses of public lands† (Nightline, 2004). The drillers are morally responsible for the land they lease and the people working in their company. The people living in the area have a responsibility to uphold the environment, their community and homes. The moral failings happen when one does not hold up to their responsibility. In this case, the drillers are not taking care of the land like they should and due to pressure, the Bureau of Land Management is not balancing the use of public land. The people living in the area are trying to uphold their responsibility. Conflicts in Ideas and Obligations Most moral failings are because of a conflict of ideas or obligations, which  leads to question two: Are there conflicts in one’s own moral ideas or obligations with this issue? With the case of the drillers, one assumes that the conflict is in obligations. Nightline did not interview the drillers nor their companies. It is from Nightline’s report that one gets the feeling that they are more concerned with profits then the land or people, when it is reported that there are $20 million in profits from each well but no updated equipment, nor updated disposals for waste. (Nightline, 2004) The moral obligation not to harm should not have to written down in law, but without it, the moral obligation to shareholders has greater sway. Where are the laws and regulations for the land? The Bureau of Land Management is having ethical conflicts of their own. â€Å"The Bush Administration has directed federal land managers to expedite oil and gas development† (Nightline, 2004). This direction causes moral conflict as morally obligated they still have to balance the uses of land but obligations to the family or themselves to keep their job, they have to quickly develop the land. The people living in the area are in conflict between the fairness of the amount leases and the cost to their community and the environment. Best Outcome In question number three, we come to the heart of the issue. What is the best outcome that one can achieve to reach one’s goal while keeping with one’s own moral code? In this case, the best outcome is the Bureau of Land Management to include more regulations and rules for waste disposal for drilling and slow the drilling down, the drillers that are there need to update their equipment and waste disposal for the environment. Both the drillers and land management need to remember that while â€Å"experts have estimated that there’s roughly 20 trillion cubic feet of gas here. That would supply the entire nation’s natural gas needs for about a year.†(Nightline, 2004), they will not be drilling forever. The damage to the environment that they do now will have long term effects on the people and animals in the area. Conclusion In the nightline video, To Drill or Not to Drill, we found an ethical issue with drilling in the Midwest. We used three questions to navigate the  ethical issue and found the best outcome for the issue. The questions we used were, What are the moral responsibilities that are tied to the issue? Are there conflicts in one’s own moral ideas or obligations with this issue? What is the best outcome that one can achieve to reach one’s goal while keeping with one’s own moral code? By applying these three questions, one can use critical thinking to steer though most ethical situations. References Ruggiero, V. (2012). Thinking Critically About Ethical Issues (9th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix Collection database. Nightline (2004, June 19). To Drill or Not to Drill [Video file]. Retrieved from Pearson website:

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Learning Difficulties: Causes

Learning Difficulties: Causes Learning Difficulties LO. 1 Explain what is meant by learning disabilities, and outline their possible causes and manifestations. The term and definition of learning disability has its controversies and ambiguousness and the term means different things to different people having various cultural and medical connotations. Individuals identified as having learning difficulties are recognized and understood by the communities in which they live, the personal services they need, and the kind of support they expect. Yet, generally Learning Disability can be defined as a cognitive disorder that adversely affects peoples ability to interpret visual and auditory information or to link different pieces of information from different parts of the brain to integrate them in a coherent manner. There is thus an apparent lack of integration and coordination of information (see Emerson et al., 2001). These limitations as revealed through learning disabilities can be manifested as specific difficulties with coordination, attention, spoken and written language, or even self-control. Difficulties in learning also affect schoolwor k and can lead to impediments in learning to read and write. According to the Department of Health, Learning Disability can be defined as A significantly reduced ability to understand new or complex information, to learn new skills (impaired intelligence), with, a reduced ability to cope independently (impaired social functioning) and which started before adulthood, with a lasting effect on development. (DOH, 2001 p14) Specifically in Scotland the term learning disability is used to describe: those with a significant, lifelong condition that started before adulthood, that affects their development and which means they need help to understand information, learn skills and cope independently. (Scottish Executive, 2000) According to the British Institute of Learning Disabilities, (BILD), Learning Disability is just a label. BILD points out that the term learning disability is being increasingly replaced by the term learning difficulties and as given by the Warnock Committee learning difficulties is a term used to cover specific problems with learning in children that might arise as a result of a number of different factors, eg medical problems, emotional problems, language impairments etc (BILD, 2005). There can be different types of learning disabilities that can be categorized into three broad groups:Learning Disabilities related to developmental speech and language disorders. Learning Disabilities associated with academic skills disordersLearning Disabilities associated with coordination disorders, learning handicaps and problems in integration of informationFor deciding that someone has learning disabilities, three diagnostic criteria are used: Intellectual Ability Legislative definitions of learning disability Social competence. Learning disability can also be classified into two main categories and the causes can be genetic or environmental. Learning disability can occur due to several different types of causes. Impairments causing learning difficulties can occur before, after or during birth. Before birth reasons can be congenital and include Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Hurler syndrome or Fragile X syndrome. Oxygen deprivation during birth and postnatal illnesses, brain injury or meningitis can lead to learning disabilities and impaired cognitive development. Environmental factors leading to learning disabilities can include infections, trauma, drugs or social deprivation and neglect (Watson, 2003). As we have already mentioned particular types of learning disabilities are associated with particular kinds of manifestations and specific learning characteristics. LO.2 Estimate the prevalence of learning disabilities and appreciate the impact that this may have on professional health care practice. The incidence and prevalence of learning disability is difficult to determine as the only manifestations of learning disability that can be detected at birth are clear syndromes like Down syndrome and the majority of infants with learning disabilities go undetected till much later. Delays in childrens cognitive development help ascertain whether they have learning disabilities. Prevalence of a disease or a general condition is the estimation of the number of people affected as a proportion to the general population. If IQ is used as an indicator of learning disability, then many people with learning disabilities go unaccounted for. Administrative prevalence of any such condition refers to the number of people that are provided with some form of service from caring agencies. The general consensus is that the overall prevalence of moderate and severe learning difficulties are 3-4 people per 1000 in the general population (DoH, 1992). The prevalence of severe to moderate disability has been recorded at 3.7 per 1000 population whereas the prevalence of mild learning disability seems to affect 20-30 per 1000 of the general population. Further it has been observed that among 3-4 persons in 1000 within UK suffering with learning disabilities nearly 30% report severe or profound learning problems. Within the group of individuals suffering from severe learning difficulties most also suffer from multiple physical and sensory impairments as also behavioral difficulties. These individuals require lifelong support to maintain themselves and to achieve a level of lifestyle. Emerson et al (2001), have suggested that within UK there are some 230,000-350,000 persons with severe learning disabilities, and around 580,000-1,750,000 persons with mild learning disabilities. They also suggest in their study that there are differences in male and female prevalence rates and incidence of disabilities with males showing higher prevalence than females. Enable et al. (2003) have suggested that the number of people with learning disabilities has increased by 1.2 % a year over the last 35 years and since 1965 the number of people with severe learning disabilities has increased by 50%. There are many controversies on the validity and use of epidemiological data and on prevalence and incidence rates of learning disabilities. All children with learning disabilities are not reported and in most cases it is difficult to understand the symptoms of learning disability until at a much later stage. One of the major problems is the argument that collection of data on disabled individuals invariably leads to labeling and brings in concerns as to whether such discrimination is useful or necessary. However some scholars have argued that labeling helps in identifying the disabled individuals and ensures that special needs of such people are met through adequate care provisions. Incidence rates and prevalence data on learning disabilities are helpful in clinical practice as it provides an estimate of the nature and extent of support that healthcare services should be prepared to provide. LO.3 Describe how people with learning disabilities have been misunderstood in the past and how this may affect contemporary provision of health care for them. Attitudes and beliefs about people with learning disabilities have changed rapidly in the last few decades and have consequently shaped healthcare provisions available to this group of people. Models of social inclusion and community care have replaced traditional models of institutional care and there is more emphatic appreciation of civil and human rights of individuals with learning disabilities. It has been argued that the rate of change in services to disabled individuals has been slow in Scotland as compared to other parts of Britain, but this has also helped enable accurate assessment and greater response to fulfilling needs of people with learning disabilities. Social care policies by the Department of Health, legislative definitions of learning difficulties along with human rights campaigning for such people and increased spread of awareness that learning disability is more of a convenient label, have altogether led to improved conditions and stronger commitments to provide a more person centered approach to care than before. People with severe or moderate learning disabilities were regarded as mentally deficient or retarded and since the implementation of the Mental Deficiency Act in 1913, it was recommended and all mentally retarded be categorized according to the level of disability and by 1929 100, 000 mentally retarded individuals were institutionalized in the UK. Although in the early 19th century, institutional care for patients with learning disabilities aimed at modifying or changing mental defect, this was quickly replaced by a philosophy of control and coercion in custody. The initial institutionalized colonies were changed to long term hospitals following the NHS 1946 Act. By the 1950s and 1960s the concept of custodial institutionalized care for learning disabilities was questioned and there was an eventual introduction of community care. In 1971 the White Paper Better Services for the Mentally Handicapped was introduced in Great Britain and the care philosophy was led by the concept of normalization rather than segregation. This was aimed to increase social participation and greater social roles of individuals with learning disabilities to integrate them in mainstream society. The contemporary provision of health care as set by the Department of Health or NHS gives emphasis to schedules of community care, social inclusion and social participation of individuals with learning disabilities and discourages institutionalization. LO.4 Define the concept of inclusion and identify barriers that serve to exclude people with learning disabilities from mainstream services. Introducing the strategy for services supporting people with learning disabilities in England, the Department of Health (2001) has described social inclusion in the following words:Being part of the mainstream is something most of us take for granted. We go to work, look after our families, visit our GP, use transport, go to the swimming pool or cinema. Inclusion means enabling people with learning disabilities to do those ordinary things, make use of mainstream services and be fully included in the local community.'(p24) People with learning disabilities have long been marginalized and excluded from society not only regarding social issues but also indirectly on decisions about their own lives. The Human Rights Act 2000 has also stressed on the basic fundamental rights of such individuals and this has given them a voice and strength in society. Whether it is choice of career or access to health services, the individuals with learning disabilities now have many options, and varied preferences. According to Jenkins et al (2003), an inclusive approach recognizes that formal and informal elements of the wider society need to change or adapt to enable excluded people to use opportunities and services. This explains the general approach in providing care to individuals with learning disabilities and the aim is to help them adapt and merge with the mainstream society with increased opportunities and special services. Yet there are major barriers to providing such individuals with the advantages of normal provisions and services. Some of these barriers include the nature of the problems that can involve severe physical or mental impairment. Factors identified as impediments to social inclusion of learning disabled individuals can be the process of labeling itself which discriminates socially healthy individuals from the disadvantaged ones. Although labeling has it won advantages, identifying individuals as disabled can lead to special exclusion and discrimination in areas of jobs, lifestyle or social participation. Although the situation has drastically improved after recognition of human rights needs of the learning disabled, the disadvantaged peoples own low levels of motivation, heightened social anxiety, discomfort in social participation, feelings of inferiority and practical problems in not being able to perform normal physical activities are common barriers to a health social life for these individuals. The mindset of people towards disadvantaged individuals may be changing but needs to change even further. Several associated illnesses, physical, visual, language deficiencies, special health needs such as weight problems, requirements in special schools and education needs are also some of the barriers that impede the active participation of such individuals in mainstream society. LO.5 Identify the main additional health problems faced by people with learning disabilities, and the consequent challenges posed to mainstream health services. Some of the associated health problems in people with learning disabilities are Mental illness such as schizophrenia, anxiety and depression and also challenging behavior such as aggression and self-injury. Prevalence rates of mental health illnesses are greater among individuals with learning difficulties than among the general population. Learning-disabled persons are also categorized as mentally deficient or retarded as they may not be able to perform intelligence tests due to their learning problems. Thus such people may be categories as having severe intellectual difficulties resulting in subnormality or abnormality. Abnormal conditions are however more of psychopathic disorders found widely in these individuals. Epilepsy shows higher prevalence rates in persons with learning disabilities than in the normal population. The British Epilepsy Association has estimated that there are nearly 200,000 people with learning disabilities severely affected by the learning disability disorder. (BILD, 2001) Physical and Sensory disabilities are common in people with learning disabilities as visual and auditory impairments are common in such conditions. Hearing impairment is found in individuals with Downs Syndrome and these additional disabilities are also associated with the fact that the persons with learning problems do not get support as far as using other devices are concerned. Complex health needs are common among people with learning disabilities and issues such as weight problems, or lack of a balanced diet are barriers in the betterment of such individuals. Significant numbers of people with such conditions do not engage in required amounts of physical activities and there is also a general lack of awareness about the amount or nature of diet that should be taken for a sedentary life. This leads to further complications such as heart problems, kidney problems etc at a young age. Chronic dental problems, poor oral health and unhealthy teeth and gums are some of the common problems. Such individuals have untreated tooth decay that is prolonged and causes damage, as well as a very poor sense of oral hygiene with irregular or minimal brushing and cleaning of the mouth etc. This aggravates other associated health problems. Facing and consequently overcoming health problems are the major barriers and also the major challenges not only for individuals with learning disabilities but also for social workers, community healthcare professionals and the Department of Health as a whole.The concept of social inclusion necessitates that these related health problems should be considered. LO.6 Discuss the importance of working in partnership with people with learning disabilities, using advanced communication skills, and the concept of capacity to give informed consent, along with the potential impact this may have on professional health care practice. According to Dunbar, working in partnership with people with learning disabilities is an essential first step towards social inclusion of such individuals. He wrote, people with learning disabilities or a mental illness should be treated in the same way as other people, not in side rooms. this lessens the chance of the person being out of sight, out of mind (Dunbar, 2003). This possibility of discrimination of such individuals have led to the recognition of the need for improved training, services and communication skills to effectively support and help these individuals. Health care professionals caring for persons with learning disabilities are required to have positive attitudes towards their patients. However within the healthcare setting negative attitudes and discriminatory practices are common and several studies have reported that such individuals are deprived of health care facilities and do not receive the care they should receive. In certain cases, inappropriate and derogatory language is also used to describe such patients and there have been reports of denied access to aids such as glasses or hearing equipment that can improve the quality of life for such individuals. The NHS Executive (1998) has stated that nursing staff require special training opportunities to face and overcome their fears or prejudices towards people with learning disabilities in order that they may learn to treat them with respect and equally as they treat other normal patients. Nurses and other health professionals should always try to go beyond social obstacles and try to meet or associate with such individuals in normal social situations and recognize their needs and shed any notion of stereotypes. The White Paper The same as you (Scottish Executive, 2000) has placed great emphasis on the needs of individuals with learning disabilities and to treat them equally. These are: being at the centre of decision making and have more control over their care; being included, better understood and supported by the communities in which they live; having information about their needs and the services available, so that they can take part, more fully, in decisions about them; having the same opportunities as others to get a job, develop as individuals, spend time with family and friends, enjoy life and get the extra support they need to do this; and being able to use local services wherever possible and special services if they need them. (Scottish Executive, 2000) It is recommended that specialized training should be provided to nurses to help them explore strategies of care for learning disabled individuals. Assisting in enabling inclusion and stressing on a holistic improvement of health and lifestyle of the individuals are areas of focus in nursing for such people. However as individuals with learning disabilities usually show auditory or speech difficulties, communicating with them effectively is a major challenge for nursing professionals and requires special skills and training. Communication is essential as according to legislative policies informed consent of the individual as to what treatment he should be subjected to and what his decisions are, lie as the primary focus of treatment. This is both an ethical and legal requirement that individuals with learning disabilities should be made aware and be allowed to express their opinions on any treatment or health care procedures (Eldridge, 2003). Conclusion: In this article we discussed 6 learning outcomes related to the health care needs, definitions, legislative policies, social implications and challenges of individuals with learning disabilities. Bibliography Human Rights Act (1998) London: HMSO. Mental Deficiency Act (1913) London: HMSO. Mental Health Act (1959) London: HMSO. Department of Health (2001) Valuing people: a new strategy for learning disability for the 21st century. London: The Stationery Office.Disability Discrimination Act (1995) London: HMSO. Scottish Executive (2002) Promoting health, supporting inclusion. Edinburgh: Stationery Office. National Health Service and Community Care Act (1990) London: HMSO. Department of Health (1999) Once a day. London: NHS Executive. DOH (1998) Signposts for success in commissioning and providing health services for people with learning disabilities. London: NHS Executive. DOH (1989) Caring for people: community care in the next decade and beyond. Cm.849. London: HMSO. DoH (1992) Social care for adults with learning disabilities. (Mental Handicap (LAC (92)15). London. HMSO. Dunbar, I. (2003) Inquiry under the fatal accidents and sudden death inquiry (Scotland) Act1976 into the death of James Mauchland. Sheriffdom of Tayside, Central and Fife at Dundee, Scotland. 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Edinburgh: Elsevier Science pp65-80. Department of Health (2001) Valuing people: a new strategy for learning disability for the 21st century. London: The Stationery Office. Hogenboom, M. (2001) Living with genetic syndromes associated with intellectual disability. London: Jessica Kingsley. Scottish Executive (2000) The same as you? A review of services for people with learning disabilities. Edinburgh: Scottish Executive. Watson, D. (2003) Causes and manifestations of learning disabilities. In: Gates, B. (ed) Learning disabilities: toward inclusion. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone. British Institute for Learning Disabilities Department of Health The Scottish Executive National Health

An Overview Of Employee Suggestion Schemes Commerce Essay

An Overview Of Employee Suggestion Schemes Commerce Essay Innovations are becoming increasingly important for organizations to remain competitive in the dynamic business environment. Employee Suggestions Systems plays a key role for organizations wishing to become more innovative. It is a useful tool used in the organization to elicit employees creative ideas. Over the past decades, suggestion schemes have been studied from many perspectives. The objective of this paper is to present the history and evolution of suggestion schemes, from their early beginnings to sophisticated computer based systems that are widely popular in many countries. We start by discussing the origins of suggestion systems, followed by discussing how they have evolved over the years, and understand a typical process involved in suggestion system. We would like to discuss the future model of suggestion system that can sustain and contribute significantly towards the success of the organizations. Through a literature review, we describe the existing research on suggest ion schemes to understand the critical drivers and barriers for the success of the suggestion schemes. This paper also cites and illustrates the well-known suggestion systems used by UAE organizations and their benefits. The literature, while extolling the many virtues of suggestion programs makes it clear that achieving the expected results from the programs is quite challenging as it involves organizational as well individual level factors and needs to focus on creativity and as well transformation of the creativity into innovations. The paper provides the list of driver and barriers to suggestion schemes mainly stemming from creativity, innovation and suggestion system literatures. The suggestion making and suggestion implementation are two crucial stages and both are equally important for the success of the scheme and are influenced by a number of factors. Organizations must therefore identify these critical factors to nurture both these stages. The schemes can be applied in any sector to elicit employee creative ideas but must have a formal mechanism to action this. Managers need to be aware critical success factors that are essential for the success of the schemes. It is clear that suggestion schemes will not yield results without the active involvement of everyone in the organization, and the required resources and support from top management. The future of suggestion scheme is bright as a tool for fueling innovation. Organizations need to recognize and evaluate their schemes to yield its potential benefits. There need to be sustainability in suggestion schemes. Organizations need to assess their schemes to recognize if right conditions exist for their sche mes to flourish. This paper should be of value to practitioners of suggestion schemes and to academics who are interested in knowing how this program has evolved, and where it is today and what future it holds. Although much research has been conducted on identifying these critical success factors to the authors knowledge, little focus has been directed towards sustenance of the suggestion system. This paper makes the contribution for identifying the research gap in the suggestion schemes and has assimilated the existing knowledge on suggestion systems to provide a quick run through to the field and has extended the search for drivers and barriers to suggestion scheme from creativity and innovation literature. Key Words: Employee, Suggestion System, Creativity, Innovation, Employee Involvement, Ideas Management Introduction An Employee Suggestion Scheme (ESS) is described as a formalized mechanism that encourages employees to contribute constructive ideas for improving the organization in which they work (Milner et al., 1995). Another elaborate definition explains suggestion schemes elicit suggestions from employees, classify them, and dispatch them to experts for evaluation (Cooley et al., 2001). After this, the suggestion might be adopted, in which case the suggestion maker will be rewarded. But even if a suggestion is rejected, the suggestion maker may still be rewarded with a token gift. So the managers or dedicated committees evaluate the suggestions and implement the one that works (Chaneski, 2006). The reward may range from a certificate to a reward commensurate with the savings generated by the suggestion. Researchers in this area explain that the suggestion scheme is a mechanism or a tool that fosters creativity, elicits untapped reservoirs of ideas and fuels both product or process innovations , triggers a work place improvement, improves process effectiveness, saves money or helps generate new revenue and increases organizational commitment and accountability among employees (Carrier,1998; Buech et al., 2010; Fairbank and William,2001; 96. Townsend,2009;Islam, 2007;Arthur et al., 2010 Lloyd,1996). Thus they are structured to have many goals and purposes (Kanna et al., 2005). There are others who view suggestion systems as mechanism to improve quality as well (Islam, 2007; Kanna et al., 2005). It is a known fact that no one would know the job, its specific processes( Darragh -Jeromos, 2005) better than the employees themselves as they are on the shop floor and are experiencing the advantages of what they are doing(Du plessis et al., 2008). Therefore, the suggestion scheme can be an advantageous way to gather suggestions in the work place by fostering this concept and taping into all employee creativity (Darragh-Jeromo, 2005). Over the past decades, suggestion schemes have been studied from many perspectives. In this paper, our objective is to present the history and evolution of suggestion schemes, from their early beginnings to sophisticated computer based systems that are widely popular in many countries. We start by discussing the origins of the suggestion system, followed by how it has evolved over the years, and understand a typical process involved in the suggestion system. Through a literature review, we describe the existing research on suggestion schemes in order to understand the critical drivers and barriers for the success of suggestion schemes. This paper also identifies future research opportunities in this field. The History and Evolution of the Suggestion Schemes In 1721, Yoshimune Tokugawa, the 8th Shogun, placed a box called Meyasubako at the entrance of the Edo Castle for written suggestions from his subjects (Arif et al., 2010). Although this is the most basic system known, an industrialized suggestion systems origin traces back to the 19th century. In 1880, William Denny, a Scottish shipbuilder asked his employees to offer suggestions in order to build ships in better ways (Islam 2007). Following this, the Kodak company became pioneer in this endeavor with its program being introduced in 1896 (Carrier, 1998). Industry associations, such as the Employee Involvement Association (EIA), then came into existence and they have contributed greatly to the increased formalization, objectivity, and professionalism of suggestion programs (Townsend,2009). Formerly, the National Association of Suggestion Systems, the EIA has instituted educational, statistical, and professional development programs to raise the bar of best practices in the encouragem ent, evaluation, development, and implementation of ideas that add value to their organizations. The IdeasUK, UKs foremost association for the promotion of employee involvement programmes was founded in 1987, its prime purpose being to assist organizations in both the public and private sector, an organization with more than 100 members worldwide. On the other hand in Japan the program was well known as the Kaizan Program. While Kaizen-oriented suggestion systems are primarily interested in generating many small improvements, western suggestion systems encourage the pursuit of innovation (Ohly et al., 2006). Simultaneously, suggestion schemes also became popular in many countries and they have a considerable history that includes USA, Europe, Asia and the Middle East (Cooley et al., 2001). The well-known suggestion schemes have been in existence for over 60 years and companies like Japans Toyotas and Indias Tata Steel Mill represent a usage of these historic systems. Around the 1990s suggestion schemes became increasingly popular. In 1994, one employee suggestion alone saved British Gas  £4.4 million. The research around 1996 reported that the world class suggestion systems are exceeding 40 ideas per person annually, with greater than 80 percent implementation rates and high levels of participation (Savageau, 1996). The ETA 2004 annual suggestion program provided statistics from 41 of its member organizations in the United States. From this limited sample, a total of more than $811 million in savings and other benefits were realized as a result of employee suggestion programs (Townsend,2009). The latest 2009 Annual Survey of IdeasUK highlighted the following benefits amongst their membership organizations such as Boots, HSBC, Ministry of Defence and Dubai Aluminum. Cost savings of over  £100m with the average implemented idea worth  £1,400.00. Return on Investment of at least 5:1. Employee involvement increased with average participation rates of 28% The trend of cost savings due to employee suggestions continues till today. The Existing Research on Suggestion Systems An illustration of a formal process involved in the suggestion schemes Suggestions systems have come a long way (Arif et al., 2010) transiting from anonymous postboxes (Crail, 2006) or suggestion box to a sophisticated computer based electronic suggestion system (Fairbank and William 2001; Ahmed, 2009). The suggestion system is a process of two or more stages comprising mainly the suggestion making, the evaluation and implementation of the idea (Van and Ende, 2002; Prathur and Turrel, 2002; Lipponen et al., 2008; Bakker et al., 2006; Marx, 1995;Griffiths et al., 2006). There has been a negligence of research on the initial ideas generation phase that precedes the innovation, mainly because one major group of researchers who consider organizational creativity is fostered through the personal characteristics and motivations of creative individuals turned its attention to context and organizational factors(Carrier,1998). However the common process involved in the suggestion management system is depicted in fig 1: Description: In recent times the suggestion schemes have also been known as Idea Capture Systems or Idea Management Systems. Leach (2006) claims that the Idea capture system can fall into four categories: Centralized suggestion schemes, De-centralized suggestion schemes, Work based systems Informal systems. Literature shows that the subject of suggestion schemes is multidisciplinary. Broadly the theoretical base for suggestion schemes emerges from the literature on creativity and innovation. This is mainly because the researchers describe suggestion systems as tools that stimulate creativity or innovation (Carrier,1998). Innovation begins with creative ideas (Amabile et al., 1996) and thus creativity and innovation are interlinked and the process in the suggestion system is mainly focused on eliciting the employees creative ideas and implementing them to fuel innovations. The main focus of the research then goes to the factors that trigger creativity and innovation. Researchers have examined these factors from three points of views (Buech et al.,2010) The first considers work environment. A second stream of research, focusing on the features of suggestion systems, weighs the influence of feedback about suggestions, management support of the system and rewards for successful suggestions, the third deals with the characteristics of the individuals. The creativity and innovation literature also highlights these contextual, organizational and individual factors that foster creativity and innovation but it is also evident that the contextual factors that foster creativity and innovation would also foster the suggestion making as well (Ohly et al.,2006). The factors cited to be drivers to creativity, suggestion system and innovation are identified below. Factors fostering Suggestion Making, Creativity and Innovation A good suggestion scheme should play a vital role in improving communication and promoting and enhancing the sense of common purpose (McConville, 1990). People need social, informational, and economic support to be able to create something new (Majdar, 2005). The creativity in an organizational context emerges from a process of sharing information with other people within the organization (Bakker et al., 2006). Although the social networking alone cannot be considered as an important source of information for innovation(Bigliardi et al., 2009), the high quality social exchange relationships (Kudisch, 2006), social influences(Klijn et al., 2010),collaboration(Bjà ¶rklund,2010; Fairbank et al.,2001), and diverse group exchanges(Shalley et al.,2004) can stimulate employee creativity. Even in a field where innovation is essential, most of the acute challenges do not concern innovation skills, but rather the organizational context of innovation the work communities culture, habits, and practices (Bjà ¶rklund, 2010). Creativity and innovation will only be sporadic occurrences and will not thrive without a supportive environment and culture (Malaviya Wadhwa, 2005;Amabile et al.,1996). Every organization has its own culture and needs and its suggestion system should be molded around that (Marx, 1995). The organization structure often hinders tacit knowledge sharing by establishing wrong authorities (Alwis et al., 2008). Several studies have shown how certain organizational structures facilitate the creation of new products and processes, especially in relation to fast changing environments (Lam,2010). Organization structures have to be modified in different industries so that the organizational structure of a company or a department supports transfer and transmission of tacit knowledge in the best way (Alwis et al., 2008). Management practices of the organization play a role in the success of the suggestion programs (Carrier, 1998). Management has a responsibility to satisfy the need for employee participation and they are required to create a culture which is supportive of employee involvement in the decisions which affect their work (Reychav et al., 2010). Senior management ought to demonstrate their faith in the scheme, promote and support it and encourage all managers to view it as a positive force for continuous improvement (McConville, 1990). Management must get actively involved by creating the opportunities for employees to submit their ideas, get those ideas properly evaluated, give recognition when it is due and implement them as soon as possible (Du plessis, 2008). Converting managers, particularly those in the middle is crucial (McConville,1990). Undoubtly, people will produce creative work when they perceive for example that the management is required to encourage (Amabile et al., 1996). T herefore a visible commitment from top management can encourage employee active participation in the scheme. Studies have shown that a traditional, autocratic management style results in low levels of employee engagement and motivation (Hayward, 2010). Empowering leadership has the capacity to positively influence employee psychological empowerment -an element of importance in affecting creative outcome (Zhang, 2010). On the other hand leadership styles that include threats, intimidation, and coercive tactics appear to universally discourage creative behavior on the part of employees (Anderson et al., 2008). The coworker support (Madjar,2008;Majdar 2005;Shalley et al.,2004;Arif et al., 2010) is another important element that can trigger employees to make suggestions. Tatter (1975) notes, the best way to kill a system are to let an idea remain in limbo for four, five or six months. The goal should be to completely process a suggestion in about 30 days and in no more than 60 days. To handle employee creativity effectively, it is important to organize the process of idea extraction to idea fo llow-up properly, otherwise employees will not be motivated to put their ideas forward and many ideas will be lost (Van Ende, 2002). The knowledge possessed by individual employees can only lead to a firm competitive advantage if employees have the motivation and opportunity to share and utilize their individual knowledge in ways that benefit the organization (Arthur et al., 2005). Therefore the development of an infrastructure (Marx 1995) with simple methods (Hultgren, 2008) for submitting suggestions (McConville, 1990) is a key aspect of the suggestion scheme. The companies lack of action on suggestions provided by non-managerial employees can de-motivate employees from participating in employee relation programs (Cho and Erdum 2006). Fairbank (2003) argues the formal Employee suggestion Management systems(ESMS)s are superior to the stereotypical suggestion box because they make it easier for employees to submit ideas that will eventually be implemented, provide a transparent pro cess for evaluating the suggestions, and generate timely feedback regarding the fate of the suggestions and any rewards they earn. Such a system can help to monitor the progress of the scheme on a regular basis (Hultgren, 2008). The more comfortable employees are with the format, the more suggestions will be received, and the more money will be saved (Mishra, 1994). Good ideas can come from anyone, at any level, any place, anytime (McConville, 1990; Majdar ,2005). Therefore a suggestion scheme should make all its employees at all levels eligible to participate (McConville, 1990; Lloyd, 1996). The involvement can be increased if employees develop a sense of belonging to the organization (Cruz et al., 2009). Empowerment is necessary so that the workers evaluate their own ideas before making a suggestion, as suggesting many ideas do not necessarily mean greater cost reduction and at the same time, it would be an added cost to process and may cause delays (Wynder, 2008). The biggest obstacles in the suggestion cycle lie in the area of review, evaluation and guidance. Insensitive comments of proposal reviewers can sometime kill an employees improvement initiative (Neagoe et al., 2009). When the review, evaluation and guidance aspect of the system functions properly, it can be a great motivating force that will attract many excellent proposals (Neagoe et al., 2009). If ideas are made public, these ideas, good and bad, could have started other creative ideas elsewhere in the organization (Stenmark, 2000). A modern well-managed suggestion scheme lies not in the immediate financial returns, but in the contribution made to achieving greater involvement and team- work (McConville,1990). Creative ideas are more often the product of social interaction and influence than of periods of thinking in isolation (Majdar, 2005) The cash rewards and recognition alone will not make a suggestion system successful (Strane,2000). Employee morale should be boosted by creating success stories and measuring the success of the scheme through the implementation of ideas (Marx, 1995; Hultgren, 2008; Lloyd, 1996; Cho Erdem 2006). A suggestion system is clearly a money saver in an organization (Mishra, 1994). There needs to be various strategies in place to avoid employee boredom and to consider the life cycle of the system, employees must be rewarded not only with tangible but also intangible benefits (Ahmed 2009). Incentives are important for employees to feel that submission of their useable ideas will be rewarded (Du plessis et al., 2008). It was also found that the volume of employee suggestions over time will be positively related to the amount of payout (Arthur et al., 2010). Depending on the attention given to advertising the schemes and how participation is rewarded, organizations could improve the return on the idea capture system (Leach et al., 2006). Individuals have the greatest possible number of characteristics that positively influence their creative performance (Muà ±oz-Doyague, 2008). Keeping workers intrinsically motivated is the key part for improving creativity and performance. No doubt, intrinsic motivation is a universally important and substantial factor (Suh et al.,2008). Sending individuals to state-of- the-art seminars, training programs, and conferences as a reward for their creativity might increase the positive impact (Griffiths-hemans et al., 2006). This will be the energy of renewal and the drive to a successful future. The Barriers to suggestion systems Research also reports on barriers that could hinder the success of the suggestion scheme. They are mainly cited as work load pressure, task reutilization, task standardization, unsupportive climate, aversive leadership, co-worker mistrust, coworker incompetence, budget problems, impractical idea, technical issues, competition, delay in assessment, controlled supervision, lack of support, fear of evaluation, free riding, lack of self confidence, low commitment to organization and system, rigid rules,self-interest, challenge of the work and resistance from middle managers(Alwis Hartmann 2008;Amabile et al.,1996;Anderson Veillette 2008;Bakker et al., 2006;Carreir 1998; Oldham and Cummings 1996;Lyold 1999;Mclean 2005;McConville 1990;Toubia,2006;Sadi,2008;Wong Pang Finally, the existing research also evidences that although the interest and practice in Continuous Improvement (CI) are widespread in many organizations, many of them have major problems in sustaining success in their CI programs (Rapp and Eklund, 2007),). Many organizations are faced with problems associated with both the implementation and sustainability of their CI programs. There is no study which gives account of the design features for frequency of feedback or extent to publicity (Leach,2006).Despite the increasing popularity of the gain sharing plans, evidence for their effectiveness has remained mixed(Arthur et al., 2010). Suggestion systems should not exist primarily as a means to recognize employees only (Darragh Jeromos 2005) but to utilize the scheme to its fullest extent. So a well designed system will accomplish both these goals resulting in tangible as well as intangible benefits (Ahmed, 2009). Overall suggestion system is a great mechanism that involves individual a nd teams in improving the organization performance (Crail, 2006) and they have a strong and significant effect on both process and product innovation (Townsend, 2009). It perfectly matches todays market need to deal with knowledge based workers who expect their involvement to be recognized and utilization of their skills to its fullest (Kesting et al., 2010). # Indicators Source 1 Supervisory encouragement Mclean 2005;Marx 1995;Shalley Gilson 2004;Tatter 1975;Frese et al 1999;Lloyd 1996;Ohly et al 2006;Arif et al 2010;Hardin 1964 2 Co worker support Madjar 2008;Majdar 2005;Shalley Gilson 2004;Arif et al 2010 3 Top Mgt Support Huang Farh 2009.;Amabile et al 2004;Carreir 1998;Egan 2005;Jong Hartog 2007;Marx 1995;McConville 1990;Du plessis 2008;Ahmed 2009;Mishara 1994;Powell 2008;Prather Turrell;Rice 2009;Zhang 2010;Khairuzzaman;Bell 1997 ;Unsworth 2005;Hayward 2010. 4 organizational Encouragement Fairbank and Williams 2001;Alves et al 2007;Ahmed 1998;Alwis Hartmann 2008 Amabile et al 1996;Arthur Kim 2005;Bjà ¶rklund 2010;Darragh-Jeromos 2005;Ellonen et al., 2008;Griffiths-hemans Grover 2006;Janssen, O., 2004;Klijn Tomic 2010;Kudisch 2006;Neagoe Klein 2009;Mclean 2005;Malaviya, P., 2005;McConville 1990;Powell 2008;Prather Turrell; Recht Wildero ,1998;Shalley Gilson 2004;Al-Alawi et al 2007;Rietzschel 2008;Zhou George(2001);Stranne 1964;Van Ende 2002;Bell 1997 ;Khairuzzaman;Bigliardi Dormio 2009 5 Communication Alves et al 2007;Aoki 2008;Arthur et al 2010.;Binnewies et al 2007;Bjà ¶rklund 2010.Klijn Tomic 2010;Kudisch 2006;Madjar 2008;Majdar 2005;Madjar 2008;Majdar 2005;McConville 1990;Ahmed 2009; Recht Wildero ,1998;Shalley Gilson 2004;Tatter 1975;Khairuzzaman;Monge ;Al-Alawi et al 2007;Clark 2009;Fairbank and Williams 2001;Stranne 1964 6 Evaluation Egan 2005; Rietzschel 2008;Neagoe Klein 2009;Marx 1995;McConville 1990;Ahmed 2009;Powell 2008;Tatter 1975;Van Ende 2002;Hultgren 2008;Lloyd 1996;Winter 2009;Sarri et al ,2010;Fairbank and Williams 2001. 7 Publicity Reuter 1976;Mishara 1994;Tatter 1975;Fairbank and Williams 2001. Kudisch 2006;Neagoe Klein 2009;Leach et al 2006;Marx 1995;McConville 1990;Prather Turrell;Lloyd 1996;Winter 2009;Crail 2007 8 Resources   Alves et al 2007;Amabile et al 1996;Griffiths-hemans Grover 2006;Klijn Tomic 2010;Mclean 2005;McConville 1990;Shalley Gilson 2004;Van Ende 2002;Lloyd 1996;Bigliardi Dormio 2009;Clark 2009 9 Rewards Lloyd 1996; Klijn Tomic 2010;Arthur Kim 2005;Arthur et al 2010. ;Bartol Srivastava 2002;Darragh-Jeromos 2005;Neagoe Klein 2009;Leach et al 2006;Lloyd.1999;Marx 1995;McConville 1990;Du plessis 2008;Ahmed 2009;Mishara 1994;Rapp and Eklund 2007;Rice 2009;Shalley Gilson 2004;Tatter 1975;Teglborg-Lefevre, a.C., 2010;Van Ende 2002;Arif et al 2010;Bell 1997 ;Frese et al 1999;Winter 2009;Al-Alawi et al 2007;Baird Wang 2010;Bartol Srivastava 2002;Clark 2009;Crail 2007;Rietzschel(2008);Suh Shin 2008. ;Lyold 1999 10 Training Paulus 2008;Tatter 1975;Baird Wang 2010;Stranne 1964;Birdi 2005 11 Effective simple System Reuter 1976;Lloyd 1996 Arthur Kim 2005;Lloyd 1999;Marx 1995;McConville 1990;Fairbank 2003;Mishara 1994;Prather Turrell;Rapp and Eklund 2007;Tatter1975;Van Ende 2002;Arif et al 2010;Frese et al 1999;Hultgren 2008; Winter 2009;Bigliardi Dormio 2009;Clark 2009;Fairbank and Williams 2001;Lyold 1999;Bassadur 1992;Hultgren 2008 12 feedback Cho Erdem 2006 ;Bakker et al 2006 ;Buech et al 2010;Leach et al 2006;Mishara 1994;Powell 2008;Rapp and Eklund 2007;Arif et al 2010;Hultgren 2008;Fairbank and Williams 2001. ;Stranne 1964;Bassadur 1992;Van Ende 2002;Du plessis 2008 13 Implementation of suggestion Marx 1995;McConville 1990;Hultgren 2008;Lloyd 1996;Cho Erdem 2006 14 Job factors Amabile et al 1996;Anderson Veillette 2008. ;Bjà ¶rklund 2010.;Buech et al 2010;Griffiths-hemans Grover 2006;Hirst 2009;Powell 2008;Rego et al 2009;Shalley Gilson 2004;Shalley Gilson 2004;Frese et al 1999;Axtell et al 2000;Muà ±oz-Doyague et al( 2008);Unsworth 2005;Cruz et al 2009;de Jong den Hartog 2010. 15 Empowerment Recht Wildero ,1998;Lipponen et al 2008;Mclean 2005;Powell 2008;Axtell et al 2000;de Jong den Hartog 2010; Unsworth 2005 16 Expertise Bantel Jackson 1989;Bjà ¶rklund 2010;Griffiths-hemans Grover 2006;Klijn Tomic 2010;Madjar 2008;Majdar 2005;Verworn 2009;Bigliardi Dormio 2009 17 Individual attributes and self efficacy Huang Farh 2009.;Egan 2005;Lipponen et al 2008;Verworn 2009;Frese et al 1999;Axtell et al 2000;Aoki 2008.; Lipponen et al 2008;Binnewies et al 2007;Bjà ¶rklund 2010. ;Griffiths-hemans Grover 2006 ;Klijn Tomic 2010 ;Lipponen et al 2008;Litchfield 2008;Malaviya, P., 2005;Powell 2008; Recht Wildero ,1998;Shalley Gilson 2004;Verworn 2009;Janssen 2004;Litchfield 2008;Cruz et al 2009;Huang Farh 2009.;Aoki 2008.;Arthur et al 2010. ;Bjà ¶rklund 2010.;Darragh-Jeromos 2005;Egan 2005;Muà ±oz-Doyague 2008 18 job control Anderson Veillette(2008);Mclean, L.D., 2005;Sadi (2008);Anderson Veillette(2008) Wong Pang (2003);Neagoe, L.N. Klein, V.M., 2009;McConville(1990) 19 Organizational impediments Stenmark(2000);Alwis Hartmann(2008). Anderson, T.a. Veillette, a., 2008;Wong Pang (2003);Toubia 2005;Bakker, H., Boersma, K. Oreel, S., 2006);Amabile et al (1996);Lyold (1999);Fairbank, J.F., Spangler, W.E. Williams, S.D., 2003.Du Plessis, AJ, Marx, AE Wilson, G 2008 Fairbank, J.F., Spangler, W.E. Williams, S.D., 2003. Carrier C., 1998;Fairbank, J.F., Spangler, W.E. Williams, S.D., 2003;Du Plessis, AJ, Marx, AE Wilson, G 2008;.BaMcConville(1990);Mostaf El-Masry( 2009) 20 Team work Rapp and Eklund 2007; Amabile et al 1996;Aoki 2008;Carreir 1998;Darragh-Jeromos 2005;Mclean 2005;McConville 1990;Shalley Gilson 2004;Baird Wang 2010;Egan 2005;Pissarra Jesuino 2005;Fairbank and Williams 2001. 21 Competition Bakker, H., Boersma, K. Oreel, S., 2006) 22 Support for innovation Lipponen et al 2008;Hultgren 2008 23 employee participation Alves et al 2007;McConville 1990;Lloyd 1996;Fairbank and Williams 2001. ;Cruz et al 2009; Neagoe, L.N. Klein, V.M., 2009 Discussion Suggestion systems have evolved from a traditional suggestion box to sophisticated electronic systems aiming to encourage all employees to take part in suggestion schemes and to rapidly process the ideas received from the employees and put to practical use. Large organizations are focusing on achieving bigger goals at company level as well as at employee level to accrue the tangible as well as intangible benefits. However companys need to carefully implement the program as every organization has its own culture, it needs to tailor the program to meet their organization needs and what they expect from this system must be clearly known. While suggestion schemes have evolved over the decades, the main underlying factor driving this engine is to pursue workplace improvements, process or product innovations. Research in this field has been mainly focused on features of suggestion schemes, guidelines for implementation and critical success factors and critical barriers encompassing the organizational as well as the individual contexts. Research also evidences its contribution as to how organizations have utilized the tool to obtain small workplace improvements through to good sized innovation and if implemented they contribute in building organizations innovation capability. The suggestion making and suggestion implementation are two crucial stages and both are equally important for the success of the scheme and are influenced by a number of factors. Organizations must therefore identify these critical factors to nurture both these stages. The schemes can be applied in any sector to elicit employee creative ideas but must have a formal mechanism to action this. Managers need to be aware of critical success factors that are essential for the success of the schemes. It is clear that suggestion schemes will not yield results without the active involvement of everyone in the organization, and the required resources and support from top management. The suggestion schemes are here to stay mainly because they are the vehicle for innovations. Today we live in a knowledge economy where innovation is not only significant but a key corner stone for an organizations growth and sustainability. The future of the suggestion scheme is bright as a tool for fueling innova tion. Organizations need to recognize and evaluate their schemes to yield its potential benefits. There needs to be sustainabil

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Dual Nature of Characters in Shakespeares Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Dual Nature of Characters in Othello  Ã‚   Many of the characters in Shakespeare's tragedy, Othello are duplicitous to the extent that how they are perceived in public is not how they behave in private. The perception of the public plays   a very important role in the play Othello. The character of Iago uses his public perception as an honest man to deceive Othello and other characters in the play. The perception of the public   of Othello and Cassio played an important role in the play. Iago’s public perception played a very key role in the play. Everyone thought of Iago as an honest man. â€Å" O, that’s an honest fellow â€Å" , â€Å"You advise me well ........ goodnight honest Iago â€Å" - â€Å"........that’s an honest fellow â€Å" â€Å" I know thou’rt full of love and honesty †. Iago has everyone fooled into believing that he is a noble honest man. Without this public perception of being honest he could never get Othello to believe that Desdemona was cheating on him. Othello would have probably killed him if he didn’t have the public perception of being an honest man. Iago knew that an important man like Othello couldn’t ignore the possibility that his wife was cheating on him. Nobody suspects that Iago is a deceitful man and would plot and plan to destroy Othello, Cassio and Desdemona in such a cunning way. Iago used his public perception, and the insecurities of Othello being a Moor, to allow him to manipulate Othello. Othello had a public perception of being a military man, and a courageous leader. â€Å"Valiant Othello, We must straight employ you...† â€Å"Here comes Brabantio and the valiant Moor.† Othello has been a soldier since he was seven years of age, and has experience on the battle field. Othello was chosen when they went to fight the Turkish fleet. Because of his public perception, it wasn’t hard for other people to accept the relationship between him and Desdemona. As Iago started putting ideas in Othello’s head about Cassio and Desdemona being together, another side of Othello’s personality started to surface. Because Iago had the public perception of being an honest man, Othello couldn’t ignore his insinuations about Desdemona. Othello wondered if Desdemona really loved him, or if she was just using him to rebel against her father. With Iago constantly putting these ideas in his head, Othello was convinced to kill his wife. Cassio was known to be a good soldier, and is proud of that public perception.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Greed In Sports :: essays research papers

Greed In Sports Recently Michael Jordan wanted to de-certify the union of the National Basketball Association, because he felt he could never make what he was â€Å"worth† under the current agreement. Michael Jordan had an estimated income of $33 million in 1994. Last year, Major League Baseball players went on strike because they felt the deal that the owners were proposing was unfair. The minimum salary for a major league player is $119,000. For the first time in ninety years, there was no post-season baseball, and no world series. Eric Turner was designated as the Cleveland Browns franchise player. He then proceeded to hold out during spring training, because he knew he could get more money then his current $2.15 million dollar contract. At one point in every athletes life, there is nothing they would want to do more than play their sport, not because it fattens their wallet, but because they have a true love for it. At what point does the athlete lose the love and gain the greed? The NBA has become the land of the guaranteed contract. These players want their millions handed to them on a silver platter, no matter what happens. If they get injured and can no longer play; pay up! If they averaged thirty points a game in college, but struggle to make the transition into the pros, and average only four points; pay up! If their egos swell so much that they are out of control in public and do something to disgrace the organization they play for; pay up, because the contract guarantees that they get their money. The NFL is a breeding ground for holdout players. I think that Holdout 101, taught by Professor X-Pro Millionaire, is a required class for all pro football players. Rule number one: if you think you can get more money than what your contract says, holdout. Rule number two: if you are in the middle of a multi-year contract, then fuck that contract. Remember, if rule one applies, who gives a shit about a commitment. A new trend in baseball started about ten years ago. Players now sign one year contracts, and play for a different team each year. They don't ask themselves if that team will be a contender, or if that's the team they truly want to be a part of. They look at all the offers put in front of them, and see which one has the most dollars signs in it. It has gotten to the point where if someone asks â€Å"who did he used to play for?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Blood Promise Chapter Three

â€Å"Wait-what?† I exclaimed. That wasn't in the plan. That wasn't in the plan at all. I was trying to move through Russia in as incognito a way as possible. Plus, I didn't really relish the thought of having a tagalong-particularly one who appeared to hate me. I didn't know how long it would take to get to Siberia-a couple days, I thought-and I couldn't imagine spending them listening to Sydney talk about what an unnatural, evil being I was. Swallowing my outrage, I attempted reason. After all, I was asking a favor here. â€Å"That's not necessary,† I said, forcing a smile. â€Å"It's nice of you to offer, but I don't want to inconvenience you.† â€Å"Well,† she replied dryly, â€Å"there's no getting around that. And it's not me being nice. It's not even my choice. It's an order from my superiors.† â€Å"It still sounds like a pain in the ass for you. Why don't you just tell me where it is and blow them off?† â€Å"You obviously don't know the people I work for.† â€Å"Don't need to. I ignore authority all the time. It's not hard once you get used to it.† â€Å"Yeah? How's that working out for you with finding this village?† she asked mockingly. â€Å"Look, if you want to get there, this is the only way.† Well-it was the only way I could get there if I used Sydney for information. I could always go back to staking out the Nightingale†¦ but it had taken me this long to get a lead from there. Meanwhile, she was here right in front of me with the information I needed. â€Å"Why?† I asked. â€Å"Why do you have to go too?† â€Å"I can't tell you that. Bottom line: They told me to.† Lovely. I eyed her, trying to figure out what was going on here. Why on earth would anyone-let alone humans with their hands in the Moroi world -care where one teenage dhampir went? I didn't think Sydney had any ulterior motives-unless she was a very, very good actress. Yet, clearly the people she answered to had an agenda, and I didn't like playing into anyone's plan. At the same time, I was anxious to get on with this. Each day that passed was another in which I didn't find Dimitri. â€Å"How soon can we leave?† I asked at last. Sydney, I decided, was a paper-pusher. She'd shown no real skill in tracking me earlier. Surely it wouldn't be that hard to ditch her once we were near enough to Dimitri's town. She looked kind of disappointed at my response, almost as though she'd hoped I would decline and then she'd be off the hook. She didn't want to come with me any more than I wanted her to. Opening her purse, she took out her cell phone again, fiddled with it a couple of minutes, and finally produced some train times. She showed me the schedule for the next day. â€Å"Does that work for you?† I studied the screen and nodded. â€Å"I know where that station is. I can be there.† â€Å"Okay.† She stood up and tossed some cash on the table. â€Å"I'll see you tomorrow.† She started to walk away and then glanced back at me. â€Å"Oh, and you can have the rest of my fries.† When I first came to Russia, I stayed in youth hostels. I'd certainly had the money to stay elsewhere, but I wanted to remain under the radar. Besides, luxury hadn't really been the first thing on my mind. When I began going to the Nightingale, however, I found I could hardly return to a boarding house of backpacking students while wearing a designer dress. So I was now staying at a posh hotel, complete with guys who always held the doors open and a marble-floored lobby. That lobby was so big that I think an entire hostel could have fit in it. Maybe two hostels. My room was large and overdone too, and I was grateful to reach it and change out of the heels and dress. I realized with only a small pang of regret that I'd have to leave the dresses I'd bought in Saint Petersburg behind. I wanted to keep my luggage light while jaunting around the country, and even if my backpack was large, there was only so much I could carry. Oh well. Those dresses would make some cleaning woman's day, no doubt. The only bit of ornamentation I really needed was my nazar, a pendant that looked like a blue eye. It had been a gift from my mother, which had in turn been a gift from my father. I always wore it around my neck. Our train for Moscow left late in the morning, and we would then catch a cross-country train to Siberia. I wanted to be well rested and ready for it all. Once in my pajamas, I snuggled under the bed's heavy comforter and hoped sleep would come soon. Instead, my mind spun with all the things that had happened recently. The Sydney situation was a bizarre twist but one I could handle. As long as we stuck to public transportation, she could hardly lead me into the clutches of her mysterious superiors. And from what she'd said about our travel time, it would indeed only take a couple of days or so to reach the village. Two days seemed both impossibly long and impossibly short. It meant I could very well be confronting Dimitri in a few days†¦ and then what? Could I do it? Could I bring myself to kill him? And even if I decided I could, would I actually have the skill to overpower him? The same questions that I'd been asking myself for the last two weeks kept plaguing me over and over. Dimitri had taught me everything I knew, and with enhanced Strigoi reflexes, he would truly be the god I'd always joked he was. Death was a very real possibility for me. But worrying wasn't helpful right now and, looking over at the clock in the room, I discovered I'd been lying awake for almost an hour. That was no good. I needed to be in peak condition. So I did something I knew I shouldn't do, but which always worked to get my mind off my worries-largely because it involved me being in someone else's mind. Slipping inside Lissa's head required only a small amount of concentration on my part. I hadn't known if I could do it when we were far apart, but I'd discovered the process was no different than if I were standing right beside her. It was late morning back in Montana, and Lissa had no classes today since it was Saturday. During my time away, I'd worked very hard to put up mental walls between us, almost completely blocking her and her feelings out. Now, inside her, all the barriers were down, and her emotions hit me like a tidal wave. She was pissed off. Really pissed off. â€Å"Why does she think she can just snap her fingers and get me to go anywhere she wants, anytime she wants?† Lissa growled. â€Å"Because she's the queen. And because you made a deal with the devil.† Lissa and her boyfriend, Christian, were lounging in the attic of the school's chapel. As soon as I recognized the surroundings, I nearly pulled out of her head. The two of them had had way too many â€Å"romantic† encounters up here, and I didn't want to stick around if clothes were going to be ripped off soon. Fortunately-or perhaps not-her annoyed feelings told me there'd be no sex today, not with her bad mood. It was kind of ironic, actually. Their roles were reversed. Lissa was the raging one while Christian remained cool and collected, trying to appear calm for her sake. He sat on the floor, leaning up against the wall, while she sat in front of him, his legs apart and his arms holding her. She rested her head on his chest and sighed. â€Å"For the last few weeks, I've done everything she's asked! ? ®Vasilisa, please show this stupid visiting royal around campus.' ? ®Vasilisa, please jump on a plane for the weekend so that I can introduce you to some boring officials here at Court.' ? ®Vasilisa, please put in some volunteer time with the younger students. It looks good.'† Despite Lissa's frustration, I couldn't help a little amusement. She had Queen Tatiana's voice down perfectly. â€Å"You would have done that last one willingly,† Christian pointed out. â€Å"Yeah†¦ the point being willingly. I hate her trying to dictate every part of my life lately.† Christian leaned over and kissed her cheek. â€Å"Like I said, you made a deal with the devil. You're her darling now. She wants to make sure you're making her look good.† Lissa scowled. Although Moroi lived inside human-run countries and were subject to those governments, they were also ruled by a king or queen who came from one of the twelve royal Moroi families. Queen Tatiana-an Ivashkov-was the current ruler, and she'd taken a particular interest in Lissa as the last living member of the Dragomir family. As such, Tatiana had cut Lissa a deal. If Lissa lived at Court after graduating from St. Vladimir's, the queen would arrange for her to attend LehighUniversity in Pennsylvania. Lissa was a total brain and thought living in Tatiana's household would be worth it to attend a semi-big, prestigious university, as opposed to the tiny ones Moroi usually went to (for safety reasons). As Lissa was finding out, though, the strings attached to that deal were already in place now. â€Å"And I just sit and take it,† Lissa said. â€Å"I just smile and say ? ®Yes, your majesty. Anything you want, your majesty.'† â€Å"Then tell her the deal's off. You'll be eighteen in a couple of months. Royal or not, you're under no obligations. You don't need her to go to a big school. We'll just take off, you and me. Go to whatever college you want. Or don't go to college at all. We can run off to Paris or something and work at a little cafe. Or sell bad art on the streets.† This actually made Lissa laugh, and she snuggled closer to Christian. â€Å"Right. I can totally see you having the patience to wait on people. You'd be fired your first day. Looks like the only way we'll survive is if I go to college and support us.† â€Å"There are other ways to get to college, you know.† â€Å"Yeah, but not to any that are this good,† she said wistfully. â€Å"Not easily, at least. This is the only way. I just wish I could have all this and stand up to her a little. Rose would.† â€Å"Rose would have gotten herself arrested for treason the first time Tatiana asked her to do something.† Lissa smiled sadly. â€Å"Yeah. She would have.† The smile turned into a sigh. â€Å"I miss her so much.† Christian kissed her again. â€Å"I know.† This was a familiar conversation for them, one that never grew old because Lissa's feelings for me never faded. â€Å"She's okay, you know. Wherever she is, she's okay.† Lissa stared off into the attic's darkness. The only light came from a stained-glass window that made the whole place look like a fairyland. The space had been recently cleaned out-by Dimitri and me, actually. It had only been a couple of months ago, but already, dust and boxes were accumulating once more. The priest here was a nice guy but kind of a pack rat. Lissa noticed none of this, though. Her thoughts were too focused on me. â€Å"I hope so. I wish I had some idea-any idea-where she is. I keep thinking that if anything happened to her, if she-† Lissa couldn't finish the thought. â€Å"Well, I keep thinking that I'd know somehow. That I'd feel it. I mean, I know the bond's one-way†¦ that's never changed. But I'd have to know if something happened to her, right?† â€Å"I don't know,† said Christian. â€Å"Maybe. Maybe not.† Any other guy would have said something overly sweet and comforting, assuring her that yes, yes, of course she'd know. But it was part of Christian's nature to be brutally honest. Lissa liked that about him. So did I. It didn't always make him a pleasant friend, but at least you knew he wasn't bullshitting you. She sighed again. â€Å"Adrian says she's okay. He visits her dreams. I'd give anything to be able to do that. My healing's getting better and better, and I've got the aura thing down. But no dreams yet.† Knowing Lissa missed me hurt almost more than if she'd completely written me off. I'd never wanted to hurt her. Even when I'd resented her for feeling like she was controlling my life, I'd never hated her. I loved her like a sister and couldn't stand the thought of her suffering now on my behalf. How had things gotten so screwed up between us? She and Christian continued sitting there in comfortable silence, drawing strength and love from each other. They had what Dimitri and I had had, a sense of such oneness and familiarity that words often weren't needed. He ran his fingers through her hair, and while I couldn't see it so well through her own eyes, I could imagine the way that pale hair would gleam in the rainbow light of the stained-glass windows. He tucked several long locks behind her ear and then tipped her head back, bringing his lips down to hers. The kiss started off light and sweet and then slowly intensified, warmth spreading from his mouth to hers. Uh-oh, I thought. It might be time to take off after all. But she ended it before I had to. â€Å"It's time,† she said regretfully. â€Å"We've got to go.† The look in Christian's crystal-blue eyes said otherwise. â€Å"Maybe this is the perfect time for you to stand up to the queen. You should just stay here -it'd be a great way to build character.† Lissa lightly elbowed him and then planted a kiss on his forehead before standing up. â€Å"That is not why you want me to stay, so don't even try to play me.† They left the chapel, and Christian mumbled something about wanting to do more than play that earned him another elbow. They were heading toward the administration building, which was in the heart of the upper school's campus. Aside from the first blushes of spring, everything looked like it had when I'd left-at least on the outside. The stone buildings remained grand and imposing. The tall, ancient trees continued their watch. Yet, inside the hearts of the staff and students, things had changed. Everyone carried scars from the attack. Many of our people had been killed, and while classes were up and running again, everyone still grieved. Lissa and Christian reached their destination: the administration building. She didn't know the reason for her summoning, only that Tatiana had wanted her to meet some royal guy who had just arrived at the Academy. Considering how many people Tatiana was always forcing her to meet lately, Lissa didn't think too much of it. She and Christian stepped inside the main office, where they found Headmistress Kirova sitting and chatting with an older Moroi and a girl about our age. â€Å"Ah, Miss Dragomir. There you are.† I'd gotten in trouble with Kirova a lot while I'd been a student, yet seeing her now made me feel kind of nostalgic. Getting suspended for starting a fight in class seemed worlds better than traipsing through Siberia to find Dimitri. Kirova had the same birdlike appearance she'd always had, the same glasses balanced at the end of her nose. The man and girl stood up, and Kirova gestured to them. â€Å"This is Eugene Lazar and his daughter Avery.† Kirova turned back toward Lissa. â€Å"This is Vasilisa Dragomir and Christian Ozera.† A fair bit of sizing up went on then. Lazar was a royal name, but that was no surprise since Tatiana had initiated this meeting. Mr. Lazar gave Lissa a winning smile as he shook her hand. He seemed a bit surprised to meet Christian, but the smile stayed. Of course, that kind of reaction to Christian wasn't so unusual. The two ways to become Strigoi were by choice or by force. A Strigoi could turn another person-human, Moroi, or dhampir-by drinking their blood and then feeding Strigoi blood back to them. That was what had happened to Dimitri. The other way to become Strigoi was unique to Moroi -and it was done by choice. Moroi who purposely chose to kill a person by drinking blood would also turn Strigoi. Usually, Moroi only drank small, nonlethal amounts from willing humans. But taking so much that it destroyed another's life force? Well, that turned Moroi to the dark side, taking away their elemental magic and transforming them into the twisted undead. That was exactly what Christian's parents had done. They'd willingly killed and become Strigoi to gain eternal life. Christian had never shown any desire to become Strigoi, but everyone acted as though he were about to. (Admittedly, his snarky attitude didn't always help.) A lot of his close family-despite being royal-had been unfairly shunned as well. He and I had teamed up to kick a fair amount of Strigoi ass during the attack, though. Word of that was getting around and improving his reputation. Kirova was never one to waste time with formalities, so she got straight to the point. â€Å"Mr. Lazar is going to be the new headmaster here.† Lissa had still been smiling at him politely, but her head immediately jerked toward Kirova. â€Å"What?† â€Å"I'm going to be stepping down,† explained Kirova, voice flat and emotionless enough to rival any guardian's. â€Å"Though I'll still be serving the school as a teacher.† â€Å"You're going to teach?† Christian asked incredulously. She gave him a dry look. â€Å"Yes, Mr. Ozera. It was what I originally went to school for. I'm sure if I try hard enough, I can remember how to do it.† â€Å"But why?† asked Lissa. â€Å"You do a great job.† It was more or less true. Despite my disputes with Kirova-usually over me breaking rules-I still had a healthy respect for her. Lissa did too. â€Å"It's something I've thought about returning to for some time,† explained Kirova. â€Å"Now seemed as good a time as any, and Mr. Lazar is a very capable administrator.† Lissa was pretty good at reading people. I think it was part of spirit's side effects, along with how spirit made its users very, very charismatic. Lissa thought Kirova was lying, and so did I. If I'd been able to read Christian's mind, my guess would have been that he felt the same way. The attack on the Academy had sent a lot of people into a panic, royals in particular, even though the problem that had led to the attack had long since been fixed. I was guessing that Tatiana's hand was at work here, forcing Kirova to step down and have a royal take her place, thus making other royals feel better. Lissa didn't let her thoughts show, and she turned back to Mr. Lazar. â€Å"Well, it's very nice to meet you. I'm sure you'll do a great job. Let me know if there's anything I can do for you.† She was playing the proper princess role perfectly. Being polite and sweet was one of her many talents. â€Å"Actually,† said Mr. Lazar, â€Å"there is.† He had a deep, booming voice, the kind that filled a room. He gestured toward his daughter. â€Å"I was wondering if you could show Avery around and help her find her way here. She graduated last year but will be assisting me in my duties. I'm sure she'd much rather be spending time with someone her own age, however.† Avery smiled, and for the first time, Lissa really paid attention to her. Avery was beautiful. Stunning. Lissa was beautiful too, between that gorgeous hair and the jade green eyes that ran in her family. I thought she was a hundred times prettier than Avery, but beside the older girl, Lissa felt kind of plain. Avery was tall and slim like most Moroi but had a few sexy curves thrown in. That kind of chest, like mine, was coveted among Moroi, and her long brown hair and blue-gray eyes completed the package. â€Å"I promise not to be too much of a pain,† said Avery. â€Å"And if you want, I'll give you some insider's tips on Court life. I hear you're going to be moving there.† Instantly, Lissa's defenses went up. She realized what was going on. Not only had Tatiana ousted Kirova, she'd sent a keeper for Lissa. A beautiful, perfect companion who could spy on Lissa and attempt to train her up to Tatiana's standards. Lissa's words were perfectly polite when she spoke, but there was a definite edge of frost in her voice. â€Å"That'd be great,† she said. â€Å"I'm pretty busy lately, but we can try to make the time.† Neither Avery's father nor Kirova seemed to notice the back off subtext, but something flashed in Avery's eyes that told Lissa the message had come through. â€Å"Thanks,† said Avery. Unless I was mistaken, there was some legitimate hurt in her face. â€Å"I'm sure we'll figure something out.† â€Å"Good, good,† said Mr. Lazar, totally oblivious to the girl drama. â€Å"Maybe you can show Avery to guest housing? She's staying in the east wing.† â€Å"Sure,† said Lissa, wishing she could do anything but that. She, Christian, and Avery started to leave, but just then, two guys entered the room. One was a Moroi, a little younger than us, and the other was a dhampir in his twenties-a guardian, from the look of his hard, serious features. â€Å"Ah, there you are,† said Mr. Lazar, beckoning the guys in. He rested his hand on the boy's shoulder. â€Å"This is my son Reed. He's a junior and will be attending classes here. He's very excited about it.† Actually, Reed looked extremely unexcited. He was pretty much the surliest guy I'd ever seen. If I ever needed to play the role of a disgruntled teen, I could have learned everything there was to know about it from Reed Lazar. He had the same good looks and features as Avery, but they were marred by a grimace that seemed permanently attached to his face. Mr. Lazar introduced the others to Reed. Reed's only response was a guttural, â€Å"Hey.† â€Å"And this is Simon, Avery's guardian,† continued Mr. Lazar. â€Å"Of course, while on campus, he doesn't need to be with her all the time. You know how it goes. Still, I'm sure you'll see him around.† I hoped not. He didn't look as completely unpleasant as Reed, but he had a certain dour nature that seemed extreme even among guardians. Suddenly, I kind of felt sorry for Avery. If this was her only company, I'd want to befriend someone like Lissa pretty badly. Lissa, however, made it clear that she wouldn't be part of Tatiana's schemes. With little conversation, she and Christian escorted Avery to guest housing and promptly left. Normally, Lissa would have stayed to help Avery get settled and offered to eat with her later. Not this time. Not with ulterior motives afoot. I came back to my own body, back in the hotel. I knew I shouldn't care about Academy life anymore and that I should even feel bad for Avery. Yet lying there and staring into the darkness, I couldn't help but take some smug-and yes, very selfish-satisfaction out of this encounter: Lissa wouldn't be shopping for a new best friend anytime soon.