Sunday, October 13, 2019

Personal Narrative - Tae Kwon Do Essay -- Personal Narratives

Tae Kwon Do Once upon a time, I qualified for the Tae Kwon Do State Championships, to go to the Tae Kwon Do Junior Olympics in Orlando, Florida. It was my second year at the Jr. Olympics, and I was competing in two events. Sparring and forms. Forms has always been my favorite, partly because I was pretty good at doing them. Sparring was okay. I guess. So we get to the arena on the day I had to compete, and I’ve got all these little butterflies and whatnot flittering around in my stomach. Forms came first, and guess what! I screwed up. So there goes my chance at the event I’m any good at. So if I can’t even place in something that I am good at, how am I going to place in something that I’m not that great at? So I got to the holding area to get put into my division (they split us up according to rank, age, and weight). And what do they do? Put me in a group of only four. And how many places do they give out, you ask? Three. Yep, three. Now I’m really worried. All I can think is, "Omigod, I’m gonna be the only one not to place. Omigod, omigod, omigod†¦" Finally, after w...

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