Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Letter to My Child essays

Letter to My Child essays When a person becomes an expectant parent, there are a number of thoughts and feelings they experience, whether it is their first or fifth child. It is interesting to explore some of these feelings through a Although I have only known you for a short time, you are already an important part of my life. Before you were conceived, all I could think of was becoming a parent and raising a happy child that would be showered with I am sure that as you grow up, I will make mistakes and hopefully learn from them. I've already read a number of articles on important parenting characteristics and plan on implementing them into your upbringing. I feel it is important to know when to be authoritative and when to be permissive (Frick-Horbury). I realize that I will have a strong influence on you and have discovered that your "genetic makeup will affect your own behavioral characteristics, and also influence the way I will treat you (Maccoby)." I hope I will always exhibit positive characteristics such as "providing emotional warmth, constantly showing an interest in your activities, finding enjoyment in interactions with you, and providing you with guidance and assistance (Poikkeus)." I am an honest, soft-hearted person who believes in the importance of fairness, and believe these strengths will be instrumental in raising a person who can As you grow up, I pray that you have a happy disposition, love all living creatures, and respect the world around you. These qualities are a rarity today in many people and I truly believe if more people exhibited them, there would be less discord in the world. I dream that you will grow up in a world that knows peace. I hope all of your dreams come true and that no one ever tries to dissuade you from any goal you set. Remember as you grow up, that while y ...

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