Monday, December 9, 2019

The Role of New Media free essay sample

Martin Barbero and Nestor Garcia Canclini us to understand democratization in the past decades, to make way for the research of Manuel Castells Carlos Scolari and trying to understand and form a functionalist theory of what we experience today and everyday. Keywords: Culture, Consumption, Democratization, Digital, Technology, Users, Social Networking. THE ROLE OF NEW MEDIA IN SOCIETY Since the industrial revolution had not experienced a period so hectic and full of changes in the form of human life, such as those that have occurred in the last two decades. With the rise of radio as entertainment and sales model, was created an industry that transferred the territorial and cultural barriers in the world, with its development and the arrival of the dream factory: Television. After spending time, communication theory, that suggested the process sender / message / receiver were not enough to explain what was happening with the change of habit that caused television. So researchers and students of social phenomena and media, taking into account communications and political semiotics these media generated and carry its existence. Martin Barber, after study of the media in the 70s, calls these as a tool in the service of the oligarchy that runs, meddling with governments, lack of popular participation. For the next decade, with all the changes in the regimes of South America and Europe alluding to Chile and Germany in particular is assumed, states, representing a popular role for alleged experts setting a semiotic change which examines preliminary facts communication, centralizing public opinion. Barber, in his study includes an assessment of the TV, providing the melodramas modify and control the life of society in Latin America, although this study is very lacking. As for 1987 Televicentro already crowned as one of the producers, exporters and creators of a consumption model that goes beyond the barriers of culture and centrality Barbero both studies, but then South America still lacks powers on TV Talking to were still booming TVN process, Snail, Venevision and STVC. After the state of the world, Barber (2009, p. 4) states, What comes into play now is not the imposition of an economic model, but the jump to the internationalization of a political model while neo capitalism television allows consolidation as the primary means of comunicacion. El FTA and the creation of the euro zone, leading to Garcia Canclini, match Barbero and affirm: Culture is a multinational assembly process, that any citizen anywhere in the world can read and use raising the diversification of the wo rld. He also realizes that the longer historical identity, no longer represent a generation or think what you wear, but what you eat. Affirmation that the media world takes to launch a new model in television, laying the groundwork for what we live today, for Garcia C. (1987) states that we are-Latin America-underdeveloped endogenous production (television), but not consumption-already showing that the transnational model worked perfectly, lower costs and increase profits with models such as MTV, CNN between others. After the emergence of the Internet Garcia Canclini proposes four cultural circuits, two major mass communication which includes traditional media and restricted systems, where technological devices converge with communication systems. Unexpectedly today, will require these elements to communicate, where these two items come together to bring us into a new era as consumers. Now, it may seem imperceptible to us, we come to the internet communication and new technologies. Where we are not outside, seems usual between us technology, system, their use and their codes. Carlos Scolari (2008) says: Technology becomes an object of discourse and becomes part of a cultural fabric where knowledge and power are intertwined. For 2008 this researcher is interested in knowing how to call this whole avalanche of modern digital communication, the term new technologies, not convinced by the volatility of the concept. Manuel Castells (2009), another researcher, defined to which we participate in communication technology, not consumers, because there is a maximum feedback, we called users, for interactive use we have. We create messages, responses, against answers. In text, audio and / or video. This capability named: auto mass communication. To this end put a nickname Autism mail and if, merely because there is no communication. As technology approach to those who are far, but away to those who are nearby. Castells Scolari and all I have done is put a name to our daily life in the electronic media. The company has been homogenized, it seems that e equals corporatism societies for production of mass consumption and it is necessary to belong to a networked culture. The speed of life accelerates every day, and that events and processes are facilitated by the use of processes, which in fact took a few decades to 10 times longer. A mail arrives in a split second, a status update on Facebook betrays our current position instantly, our feeling, opinion, etc.. The digital world makes us partakers of all, opening plurality and democracy, Barber (2009) explains: The expansion of the plurality of voices in democracy can be understood as an extension of patronage of cultural consumption. What there is no point is continuing to design policies to understand what happens in Culture, of what happens in the masses, industry and mass media. There may be political aside, since what happens culturally to the masses is fundamental to democracy, if lademocracia still has something to do with the people. Technology has changed our lives completely, we have become dependent on it, sedentary, solitary (though not enough) and heavy users with a touch of addiction and need for belonging. To mention some disadvantages. The benefits are endless, business processes, bureaucratic procedures, have been streamlined intercom, facilitating the opening of online business and drive new business in bouquets as service and research. Its amazing how many online purchases are made per hour, thousands of them, contribute to the economy and employment generation worldwide. Something that seems important to stress, and is the most redeemable advantages of platforms like YouTube, Facebook or Twiiter is the power of public opinion and media negotiation they have achieved. Acts that open a new benchmark in terms of citizen participation, democratic choice, accountability and monitoring the government. The Arab Spring, the Movement # Soy132, outraged Wall Street, or the democratic process in Panama, Mexico and the U. S. Undoubtedly electronic media and new technologies are still beginning, we will not know if the current model that have started will continue, if the security increases. Important point to be taken to be members of a social network or a platform, be cautious and learn to live with the digital society. For the search, knowledge acquisition and compartment is all that matters. Scolari (2008 p.? ) Says: the user becomes the axis of communication processes, the content is the identity of the media, the media is the new language, real time is the dominant time, hypertext is knowledge of grammar and the new name of information And so droll concludes: In other words, remix culture, e! Samplingy logic cut and paste would be impossible without digitization In the case of Mexico, Octavio Islands a study published in the newspaper Excelsior in February 2009. Concluding that in Mexico: The websites most visited in Mexico are: 1. Google Mexico Two. Windows Live Three. Youtube April. Microsoft Network May. Yahoo! June. hi5 July. free market August. Google 9. Blogger 10. Facebook 11. RapidShare 12. Twitter 13. Wikipedia So we see that Mexicans are partakers of digital communication in the world, differing greatly developing countries. Communicative processes are becoming every day on the net. The only thing left is to use it for study, for the democratization of the same, without debauchery and authenticity, trying to propose and not detract. How we work communications specialists, to promote the proper use of these and understand where we are going but mostly we come from.

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