Saturday, September 28, 2019

Making Ethical Decisions in Healthcare Organizations Research Paper

Making Ethical Decisions in Healthcare Organizations - Research Paper Example A good healthcare professional never wavers in his approach and makes the right decision quickly. This differentiates him from the rest or other healthcare professional. Not only making the right decision is important but also the timing of the decision is critical. It is hardly the case that a healthcare professional has ample at his disposal. Hence, healthcare professionals usually have to make right decisions keeping in might the ethical aspect as well as the rules setup by the management of the healthcare organization. One important theory that explains how healthcare professional should act is Utilitarianism. This theory is an important theory in resolving different ethical problems and dilemmas. This theory states that all healthcare professionals should choose the action that benefits the society more. An action should only be undertaken if it provides greater good to the society. There should be more benefits accruing to the society as a result of this action than the costs o f undertaking such action. For example, suppose a criminal comes to a healthcare organization and is about to die and officials in that organization has very little time to decide whether to inform the police or to heal the patient. ... Now according to the utilitarianism theory it is better for the healthcare professionals to report the criminal to the police. This would ensure that the lives of thousands of people living in a far flung rural area will be saved at the expense of the criminal in the society who is likely to spread more evil in the society if he is saved. Hence, Utilitarianism clearly marks out the correct option in this situation, that is to inform the polices and possibly save the lives of thousands of people in a village who would get more budgets from the government as it will not have spend thousands of dollars to capture the criminal. The feminist theories have been raised to prominence in 21st century. Many ethics experts these days are paying more important to feminist theories as a critical part of making right ethical decisions. These theories call for showing greater concern for women and their issues. In the past, men used to get upper hand on all issues and women issues were not dealt wi th great concern. However in the recent times the pendulum has shifted and women are getting much needed support for their issues and rights. According to these theories, the decision made must show concern for women. For example, in recruitment and selection many organizations are now bound to have a quota for women and should show them as equal opportunity employers. Many healthcare organizations are now hiring women for the important jobs and they are given special decision making powers to run these organizations on their consent. This has helped organization to grow and women have become an important cog in the growth machinery of organizations around the world. There are also special laws passed in order

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