Sunday, September 8, 2019

Tell me about the relationship of religion and science Essay

Tell me about the relationship of religion and science - Essay Example This cannot be denied that both religion and science contradict each other in many important ways. There has been fierce completion between the two since the time of Galileo. This essay aims to illustrate the extent to which this statement could be held true that religion and science are mutually exclusive. To achieve this end, religion and science will be compared to each other on different levels discussed in following section of the essay. It will be explored why science and religion appear to be at odds with each other and if there is any chance of creating harmony between these two entities or not. It is important to mention the name of Ian Barbour when exploring the relationship between religion and science. This is because Barbour is an expert of demonstrating the position of religion in an age of science. He has explored many troubling issues in science and religion. He also demonstrated how science promotes secularity which is inhibited by religion. Religious societies do everything in their capacity to uphold religion and smother secularity. It is not as if they disregard science, rather they accept it. But, too much science can be dangerous for religion as one of the most important scientific concepts like evolution questions the religious significance of Adam and Eve. According to Barbour, there are four ways of relating religion and science namely conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration. Each of these ways helps to understand the relationship between religion and science. On a level of conflict, it has to be understood that there are many conflicts between cl assical religious dogmas and modern science. Differences are not respected by either school of thought. Modern science swallows religion and religion does the same to science. Barbour stresses that fight between the two groups â€Å"can be avoided if they occupy separate territories† (Barbour). On a level of

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