Monday, August 12, 2019

Human Resource Development and Management Critical Thinking Mod 4 Research Paper

Human Resource Development and Management Critical Thinking Mod 4 - Research Paper Example Hence, the significance of recruitment along with adequate training in order to enhance the skills of potential employees can be regarded as a vital concern for modern day organizations. It is in this context that hiring new employees and boarding them within the set of organizational dimensions is regarded as a crucial and most challenging function of HR managers (Martin, 2008). Therefore, in order to develop the entire process as a systematic and an effective one, various theories and programs have been evolving within the managerial periphery. Two such programs are identified as the New Employee Orientation (NEO) and On-boarding. Based on this context, the discussion in this paper will emphasize on defining the two programs, i.e. NEO and On-boarding in the current day context. Consequently, the paper will intend to identify the reasons owing to which organizations tend to utilize these programs addressing the effectiveness and ineffectiveness of the practices aimed at the orientat ion and the socialization of new employees within an organizational setting. Moreover, the discussion will also depict the outcomes to be generated from the implementation of the NEO and On-boarding programs by today’s modern day organizations. ... Theoretically, orientation program delivers a scope for new recruits in order to accustomed with new organizational operational activities, different level of job responsibilities and individual work anticipation. Superior orientation program offers several benefits for new employees as well as managers through which they can adopt and comprehend smooth transition as well as operational function towards the new workplaces (Chen, 2010). On-boarding is regarded as a mechanism by which newly recruit employees attain essential knowledge, skills, capabilities and unique behaviours in order to become effectual organizational members. This particular mechanism is utilized as a systematic procedure that comprises formal conventions, video conferences, lectures and ‘computer-based’ orientation programs in order to provide necessary knowledge to the new employees regarding job description and organizational work procedures (The Inside Coach, 2013). Reasons behind Utilizing NEO and On-Boarding Programs Organizations must utilize the programs such as NEO and On-boarding for the purpose of making the new employees more productive as well as raising their operational standards. On-boarding program plays an imperative role within an organization in order to enhance the productivity of an operating industry. Conversely, NEO acts majorly in the development of the performance of the employee by a significant level (Xin Chen Southern Illinois University Carbondale, 2010). In relation to determine the reasons behind utilizing NEO and On-boarding programs, it can be stated that the organizations need active cooperation with its different team members in order to guide the newly recruited employees. It has been apparently observed that effective on-boarding impose optimistic impact upon

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