Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Why Am I Doing this Writing Assignment? :: Writing Assignment

"Everyone has his own specific vocation or mission in life; everyone must carry out a concrete assignment that demands fulfillment. Therein he cannot be replaced, nor can his life be repeated, thus, everyone's task is unique as his specific opportunity." -Viktor Frankl Done because I was told to do so, I think not. All assignments are done by people like me who care where they will be ten, twenty, even thirty years from now. Assignments are designed to further ones knowledge about a specific subject, and this one is pushing me to do better. This assignment is being done for three reasons: to pass the class so I will eventually graduate, when a job comes I will be prepared for writing and so I can write and speak better. First, and most importantly, I am taking this class so I can eventually graduate with the degree of my choice. You see, if I get a good grade on this, I will have a good grade in the class, which means I will be more likely to graduate. I am required to take 8-11 hours of college writing for a degree in engineering, which I will eventually finish at Walla Walla College. This essay is being done because when I look at the alternative, taking over the family business (carpentry), I don’t like it. Therefore I need to do this assignment, along with many others to complete my degree. Secondly, when it comes time to get a job I will have the necessary knowledge to complete my required writing assignments. As an engineer I will need to know how to write for many aspects of the job, such as typing a memo or writing a manuscript. I will have to show my skills in my resume in order to apply for the job. Also I will be able to type my presentation before I give it at the office. People in charge of hiring can tell how well educated the prospective employee is by the way they speak and write. Lastly, I will write and speak as though I was educated. I believe educated people speak differently, this assignment is actually serving a dual purpose, it’s getting me a grade in the class (whether it be good or bad) and helping me to write better. Id like to be the kind of person that can type an essay such as this in less than half an hour, but for now I will spend hours thinking about what to type.

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