Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Six Feet of the Country Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Six Feet of the Country - Essay Example apartheid system was implemented in South Africa which segregated the people into major racial groups - white; Bantu, or black Africans; Colored, or people of mixed descent; and Asians - and determined the living and employment standards of each group. Public facilities were segregated and nonwhites were not represented in the national government. The policy ended in 1990 when then-President F. W. de Klerk released the anti-apartheid activist and African National Congress leader Nelson Mandela from prison and legalized black African political organizations (â€Å"Apartheid†). Clearly, the story was set at a time when apartheid was at its peak as the narrator tells us about the â€Å"tensions the Johannesburg people speak of† not being the hubbub of the city but of the â€Å"guns under the white men’s pillows and the burglar bars on the white men’s windows..† and the awkward moments when â€Å"a black man won’t stand aside for a white man† (Gordimer 9). The couple chose to live in the farm to change something in them and find peace in their marriage. Although it is clear that they were not able to fulfill the latter goal, at least they were able to change. The histrionic Lerice became engrossed with running the farm and became attached to the servants. The narrator, who was a complainant brat who did not care about his servants as long as they did their work, sees the injustice of the system in the middle of the business of illegal immigrant’s body. Upon knowing of the death, the narrator notified the health authorities and the police to be able to know the cause of death. Apparently, the young man died of pneumonia and was disposed of by the authorities. However, Petrus insisted on burying his brother’s body and repeatedly begged the narrator, his baas or boss, thinking that because the baas is a white man, he can do anything. Petrus, together with the other servants, scraped up twenty pounds just to be able to get the dead body back which annoyed the

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