Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Letter to the editor on school bullies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Letter to the editor on school bullies - Essay Example First of all, this cyber bullying business is not an entirely new area and those who engage to the extent of driving a victim to commit suicide have perfected their skills. Cyber bullies are very persistent one they identify their victim and would not give the issue a rest until total humiliation or in this case death ensures. One of the perpetrators in her own confession says that she committed the cyber bullying which is the reason that led to the death of the victim but she does not care â€Å"yes I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself, but I don’t give a (expletive).† This carefree attitude does not simply come by a practicing bully but a fully accomplished one who thinks that she is immune to any repercussions based on her don’t care attitude. The fact that her parents seem to think that she is a sweet and innocent child only adds to fuel up her don’t care attitude without the realization that she can be charged with manslaughter of the victim. Seco ndly, cyber bullying is a social crime which inflicts pain on the victim emotionally rather than physically. Emotional pain is way harder to show on the surface than physical pain and hence the victims of cyber bullies suffer in silence and continue enduring the cyber bullies. Being a mother myself to teenagers, I understand the hard time the parents of the victim may be going through trying to come to terms with the fact that they did not help their daughter with her emotional pain inflicted by the cyber bullies. It is hard to read these teenagers and make them open up to their parents because they consider parents as enemies thinking they will not understand them. If only there is a way that parents can be able to know beforehand that their child is being subjected to cyber bullying, then they can help them put a stop to it no matter how long it will take and even put the perpetrators under the long arm of the law for justice to be served and to stop the bullying of other victims as well. I have in the recent past as a parent found it very hard to make my children open up to me as a parent about their problems. They however have friends and other people they trust whom they think of as secret-keepers and who understand them better than their parents and they share their experiences with. I appeal to such people today (since they are the only ones that know if a person is being subjected to bullying, what their feelings are and who the perpetrators are) not to stay hidden with the information and only come forward with it when it is a little too late. They need to break the code or oath of silence if there is danger of victimization and if whomever they are protecting can be helped by more qualified and professional individuals. Lastly I appeal to the parents of the bullies, please do not tend to support or justify the actions of your child when they commit such atrocious acts on other children as in the case of one of the perpetrators of Rebecca’s dea th where the parents are quoted saying â€Å"they feel that their daughter is a loving, caring and supportive young girl with many friends†¦

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